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Evidence-Based Practices and Programs for Early Childhood Care and Education

Evidence-Based Practices and Programs for Early Childhood Care and Education

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Leadership & Management

September 2006 | 216 pages | Corwin
'This volume is exemplary in synthesizing research and condensing pertinent data on early childhood services both for practitioners and policymakers' - Charles Bruner, Director, Child and Family Policy Center

'Any school district struggling with low test scores, high mobility, and/or high poverty should consider the benefits of early intervention-and read this book' - Mathieu Aubuchon, Preschool Coordinator The Early Childhood Center at Gregory Hill, Westminster, CO

Early education and intervention services for young children have a direct and positive impact on later school performance and quality of life. But which programs and services should be operated and funded? To answer that question, this book highlights the principles that characterize effective practices and programs for children ages 3-8.

Written specifically for busy administrators, Evidence-Based Practices and Programs for Early Childhood Care and Education synthesizes what works, what doesn't, and what we still need to know based on the reviews of scientific literature by an expert panel of contributors. Key topics include:

• Definition and assessment of readiness of children and schools

• Early intervention for children in poverty, English language learners, and students with special needs

• Publicly funded, home-based, school-age, and out-of-schooltime programs

• The future of personnel preparation and professional development

The result is a highly readable presentation of the evidence needed to make informed practice, program, and policy decisions in early care and education.

About the Editors
About the Contributors
Part I. Evidence-Based Practices
Kelly E. Mehaffie and Jeffery Fraser
1. School Readiness: Definitions, Best Practices, Assessments, and Cost
The Importance of Early Learning

Definitions of School Readiness

The Intersection of Readiness Factors

Research Informing School Readiness Factors

Assessing Readiness

Costs and Savings of Being Ready for School

Conclusions and Recommendations


Louise Kaczmarek and Christina J. Groark
2. Early Intervention Practices for Children With and At Risk for Delays
Children At Risk for Delay Due to Poverty

English Language Learners At Risk for Delay

Children With Developmental Disabilities and Delays

Conclusions and Recommendations


Kelly E. Mehaffie and Mary Wolfson
3. Best Practices for Transitions Into Kindergarten
Transitions in Context

Best Practices for Transitions

Conclusions and Recommendations


Part II. Evidence-Based Programs
Wendy M. Barnard
4. Publicly Funded Programs and Their Benefits for Children
Federal Programs

State Programs

Trends in Publicly Funded Early Childhood Programs

Conclusions and Recommendations


Wendy M. Barnard and Christina J. Groark
5. Demonstration Programs and Successful Outcomes
Randomized Experiments

Quasi-Experimental Studies

Characteristics of Successful Programs

Conclusions and Recommendations


Richard Fiene and Martha Woodward Isler
6. Home-Based and Family Child Care: Characteristics and Quality Issues
Categories of Home-Based Facilities

Current Quality of Home-Based Facilities

Obstacles to Improving the Quality of Family Child Care

Characteristics of Improved Home-Based and Family Child Care Programs

Relative and Neighbor Care

Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix 1: Overviews and Descriptions of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) and the Family Day Care Rating Scale (FDCRS)


Suh-Ruu Ou and Arthur J. Reynolds
7. School-Age Services: Programs That Extend the Benefits of Early Care and Education Services
Why Extend Early Childhood Programs?

Existing Extended Early Childhood Programs

Characteristics of Successful Programs

Conclusions and Recommendations


Anne E. Farber
8. Out-of-School-Time Programs That Promote Academic and Behavioral Achievement for Children Ages 6 to 8
Outcomes and Evaluations of Out-Of-School-Time Programs

Academically Focused Programs

Reading and Mathematics Programs

Tutoring Programs

Summer Programs

Mental Health Focused Programs

Characteristics of Successful Programs

Quality Enhancement Tools and Initiatives

Conclusions and Recommendations


Part III. The Future of the Field
Gwen Morgan and Jeffery Fraser
9. Professional Development and Higher Education Systems to Develop Qualified Early Childhood Educators
The Current State of Professional Development

Credentials Across Early Childhood Systems

Content of Credentials for Early Education and Care

Emerging Issues

Changes at the College Level

Professional Development Planning Groups

The Role of Professional Associations

Conclusions and Recommendations



"Any school district struggling with low test scores, high mobility, and/or high poverty should consider the benefits of early intervention--and read this book."

Mathieu Aubuchon, Preschool Coordinator
The Early Childhood Center at Gregory Hill, Westminster, CO

"This volume is exemplary in synthesizing research and condensing pertinent data on early childhood services both for practitioners and policy makers."

Charles Bruner, Director
Child and Family Policy Center, Des Moines, IA

"For practitioners, advocates, parents, and concerned citizens, this is an informative, useful examination of what research tells about the long-range effects of various programs for young children. The bibliographies are extensive, the format is accessible, and the conclusions clear and convincing."

CHOICE, March 2007

"A contribution to an important dialogue on how we can better fulfill the promise of high-quality early childhood care and education for all children."

PsycCRITIQUES, December 2007, Vol. 52, No. 49
American Psychological Association

"Packed with research-based program findings and practical recommendations, this book furnishes a wealth of information for both the field practitioner and the program researcher. The book would be ideal for a book study. Early education teachers, child care directors, and Head Start personnel would all benefit from discussing the relevant topics."

Dimensions of Early Childhood, Winter 2008, Vol. 36(1)
Southern Early Childhood Association

Good additional material for my course

Dr Maribel Rio-Roberts
ISHSHJ, Nova Southeastern University
June 3, 2013

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412926157
ISBN: 9781412926140