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46 Results Found for "950"


SAGE Publishing wins four 2016 APEX Awards

SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce that four of its titles have won Awards of Excellence from the Annual Awards for Publication Excellence (APEX Awards):

  • Scars, Burns & Healing

Category: Magazines, Journals & Tabloids – New

SAGE Publishing adds Public Health Reports to its health journals portfolio

SAGE Publishingtoday announces that it is to begin publishing Public Health Reports (PHR) in partnership with the US Public Health Service and the U.S. Surgeon General. Published in collaboration with the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH), PHR has been a resource for the public health community since 1878 and is dedicated to public health practice, research, viewpoints, and commentaries.

SAGE Publishing’s premier broad-spectrum HSS OA journal celebrates strong growth on its five-year anniversary

SAGE Publishing is delighted to report that its pioneering broad-spectrum open access journal SAGE Open is marking its fifth anniversary with more than 1,350 published articles that together have been viewed or downloaded more than 3.5 million times. Spanning the humanities and social and behavioral sciences, SAGE Open is a peer-reviewed “gold” OA journal publishing original research and review articles.

How did today’s Washington get so politically divided?

CQ Press examines the pivotal 2014 election year in America Votes 31

Just two years after reelecting President Obama, how did Americans sweep Democratic power from the Senate and give Republicans even greater control of the House? Focused on election results and key data by county and district for the House, Senate, and governors’ elections from the 2013–2014 election year, America Votes 31 is published today by CQ Press (an imprint of SAGE Publishing).
