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80 Results Found for "Communication & Media Studies"


SAGE Video Introduces Nursing Collection, Fostering Career Building Skills and Techniques

SAGE also launches interdisciplinary Leadership collection and new Education content


SAGE Publishing announces the launch of a new SAGE Video collection in Nursing to help students develop career-building skills and techniques. The 75+ hours of video foster clinical skills and teach nursing students to better understand and care for the whole patient. The addition brings SAGE's streaming video resource to 15 collections across the social and health sciences and research methods. 

How do students use video in higher education?

Los Angeles, CA. A new SAGE white paper out today reveals the types of educational videos that appeal to students and where they go to find them. Titled "Great Expectations: Students and Video in Higher Education," the paper includes suggestions for librarians as they connect the video resources found in their libraries with researchers, instructors, and students.

SAGE launches streaming video collections to support pedagogical, curricular and research needs

Los Angeles, CA. Independent academic and professional publisher SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Video, streaming video collections designed to support a range of needs across higher education, including pedagogical use in undergraduate teaching and learning and higher-level academic study and research. Celebrating 50 years as a social and behavioral science publisher in 2015, the first three collections of video content – available now – include Education, Communication and Media Studies, and Counseling and Psychotherapy.

Three SAGE Publishing titles honored by the Textbook and Academic Authors Association

SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce that three titles have received awards from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA). Social Media Marketing, second edition by Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon, and Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice and Culture, fourth edition by Andrew M. Pomerantz, were awarded the TAA Textbook Excellence Award while Lifespan Development: Lives in Context, by Tara L. Kuther, was awarded Most Promising New Textbook.

Sara Miller McCune to receive The London Book Fair Lifetime Achievement Award 2018

The London Book Fair will present the LBF Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 to Sara Miller McCune, Founder and Executive Chairman of SAGE Publishing.

Sara Miller McCune is a visionary publisher, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. She oversaw the growth of SAGE from a start-up to one of the largest independent publishing companies in the world. For over 50 years, she has led the publishing industry in business, through her tireless support for social science research and through her passion for philanthropy.

Rate Cards

The following is a complete list of SAGE journals listed by alphabetic order. Click on each letter then journal title to link to the individual rate card.
