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611 Results Found for "Education"


SAGE Publishing partners with East China Normal University to publish ECNU Review of Education Journal

SAGE Publishing announces today that it is to publish ECNU Review of Education (ROE) in partnership with East China Normal University (ECNU) and East China Normal University Press (ECNUP), Shanghai, China.

ROE is an English-language, open-access journal that focuses on research synthesis and cutting-edge educational research in China and the world. The journal also provides timely reviews of important educational research, policies, and issues.

According to Editor-in-Chief, Yuan Zhenguo, Dean of Faculty of Education, ECNU:

SAGE Publishing and Adam Matthew announce major deal with Egyptian Specialized Presidential Council for Education

London, UK. SAGE Publishing, a leading international disseminator of journals, books and digital media for academic and educational communities, and Adam Matthew, a leading provider of unique primary resource collections, are delighted to announce a partnership with the Egyptian Specialized Presidential Council for Education to provide enhanced research opportunities to the community.

Educated Black men remembered as "Whiter" perpetuating stereotypes about race and intelligence

Los Angeles, CA - A new study out today in SAGE Open finds that instead of breaking stereotypes, intellectually successful Black individuals may be susceptible to being remembered as “Whiter” and therefore ‘exceptions to their race,’ perpetuating cultural beliefs about race and intelligence. This new study shows that a Black man who is associated with being educated is remembered as being lighter in skin tone than he actually is, a phenomenon the study authors refer to as “skin tone memory bias.”
