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47 Results Found for "Is this research any good?"


Selecting and Inviting Reviewers

Sourcing reviewers can be the most time-consuming part of an editor’s role. The following guidance aims to minimise the number of invites an editor must send for each manuscript and improve time to decision for our authors.

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Super quick advice

red line dividerThe Super Quick Skills series provides the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast

Advice for teacher training students

student voice

Natalie is an MFL graduate training to be a primary school teacher in Norfolk. In these blog entries, she shares her experiences as a PGCE student and advice to anyone considering embarking on a teacher training course.

Pure Gold Open Access Journals

The following lists the pure gold open access journals published by Sage. All articles published in the journals provide worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of articles online, immediately on publication under a creative commons license. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed retaining the quality hallmarks of the academic publishing process that authors would experience in publishing in any traditional Sage journal.
