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50 Results Found for "Sage Studies in International Sociology "


SAGE Video Introduces Nursing Collection, Fostering Career Building Skills and Techniques

SAGE also launches interdisciplinary Leadership collection and new Education content


SAGE Publishing announces the launch of a new SAGE Video collection in Nursing to help students develop career-building skills and techniques. The 75+ hours of video foster clinical skills and teach nursing students to better understand and care for the whole patient. The addition brings SAGE's streaming video resource to 15 collections across the social and health sciences and research methods. 

New SAGE Research Methods Video collection teaches essential research skills and accelerates professional development

SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce the launch of a new collection of streaming videos hosted on the SAGE Research Methods (SRM) platform, Practical Research and Academic Skills. Building upon SAGE’s extensive history of methods publishing across the wide range of the social and behavioral sciences, the videos teach the foundational skills needed to conduct research at any level and to succeed in academic life.


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