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131 Results Found for "Social Work & Social Policy"


The high cost of silencing scientists

London - What are government scientists allowed to say? In Canada, many are feeling “gagged” when it comes to discussing their findings – hampered by funding cuts and the increasing need for all public enquires to be media managed. Even in timely situations, such as the immediate aftermath of a local earthquake, they have felt delayed or prevented from talking directly to journalists.

From invasions and civil wars to revolutions and revolts

Explore a rich period of Middle Eastern history through complete runs of British Government Foreign Office Files

Marlborough, UK. Formerly classified documents on the Middle East from the British Government’s Foreign Office have been published in Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981 – an online teaching and research collection from award-winning publisher, Adam Matthew.

Six SAGE Publishing textbook and journal authors honored by the American Evaluation Association

SAGE Publishing congratulates its six textbook and journal authors who were honored at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Evaluation 2017 Annual Conference. Recognizing cutting-edge evaluation and research initiatives that have influenced citizens around the world, the awards were bestowed to Thomas Archibald, Stewart Donaldson, Stephanie Evergreen, Rodney Hopson, Michael Quinn Patton, and Abraham Wandersman.

Taking Action on Diversity

Some steps editors can take to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within their journals


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is something that we care deeply about at Sage. We are aware that the publishing industry, including Sage, has much more work to do in order to better reflect the diversity of the world we seek to educate and inform. Our core Sage Journals DEI pledges are published here.

Reviewer Rewards

We are grateful for all our reviewers, as this work really helps authors enhance and develop their papers and supports the integrity of the publishing process.

Demographic data FAQs

In line with Taking Action on Diversity, our ScholarOne sites include demographic questions that users may complete. This page provides relevant information about these questions including details on consent, data protection, and updating data.

Open Call for Papers

Looking to publish in a Special Issue for even more impact? Our website is regularly updated with the latest general and special issue call for papers across our Social Science, Humanities, Science, Technology, and Medicine journals. Make sure you read the relevant journal’s Aims & Scope and Manuscript Submission Guidelines before submitting and contact the journal’s editorial office with any queries about your article.

Peer review: Why do it, and how to get involved ?

Why should you become a peer reviewer?

The peer-review process is essential to the development of research across all subject areas, ensuring the integrity of the scientific record, and an important step towards gaining the experience required to join an Editorial Board is to become a strong peer reviewer.
