Doing Research with Children
A Practical Guide
- Anne D Greig - University of Strathclyde, UK
- Jayne Taylor - West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust
- Tommy MacKay - Psychology Consultancy Services and University of Strathclyde
Educational Research Methods | Research Methods (General) | Research Methods in Psychology
Divided into three sections, the new edition covers:
-the main theories and approaches of research with children and young people
-expanded guidance on research ethics
-techniques for conducting both qualitative and quantitative research
-more on analysing your research
-a brand new chapter on communicating your research findings.
This is a must-have guide for students and practitioners who are engaging in research with children and young people.
An easily read and understood text book, yet it includes enough detail to make a real contribution to assisting students with doing research with children.
Greig's text does indeed provide a practical guide for my students and does so via a format which is comprehensive but not overwhelming and the students appear to appreciate a text that relates directly to their vocational areas, as, in the not too distant past, it was very difficult to find such a tome, instead having 'adapt' research 'guides' aimed at health and social work and general social science markets. It also appears accessible to students undetaking practitioner-based research for the first time and when used alongside Mukherji and Albon's 'Research Methods in Early Childhood', provides my cohorts with sufficient detail to plan, execute and write-up module-level, under graduate projects.
College staff here will strongly advocate the adoption of this book as a key text at the next University module reading list up-date opportunity.
This is an excellent book for any researcher who will be planning to work with children. It is clear, readable and easy to understand and highlights the necessary challenges, ethics, consent, vulnerability etc which all must be considered prior to embarking on research with children. very valuable resource.
Great for anyone who is starting out in doing research with children. Key attractions: clearly presents perinent issues that the novice researcher needs to consider when carrying out research; aims of each chapter provided; great to have references at the end of each chapter; and very accessible, as so easy to read, and this is helped by the fact that the book is well laid out with good signposting making finding what you want easy. For those in the academic arena this is a great book to reccommend to your under-graduate students and good revision for those at post-graduate level.
The book contains a chapter on ethics which is essential reading prior to writing the research proposal. There are clear explanations of reliability and validity including triangulation. Probability and significance is explained simply and is useful for students on dyslexia courses for understanding research papers, even if a quantitative approach is not being used in their own study. Excellent explanation of how to use quantitative measures in a single-case design which will provide helpful guidance for those wanting to measure the effect of an intervention. Four approaches to qualitative research are also given with examples of first stage coding of data using a transcript. Students would benefit from examples of how this was then further analysed to bring together the themes into a more manageable number.
This book is extremely useful for everyone who is learning how to do research. I particularly like the structure, as it is paralell to the structure of a research paper - this, I think, will be very helpfull for students.
Definetely essential.
A very good book for research methods studies in Childhood studies. There are very few books available.
Very well written, useful material. Good balance between theoretical and practical. Many elements not covered in as much detail elsewhere.
Helpful review for ITE students using reflective practice and research techniques.