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Introducing Research Methodology

Introducing Research Methodology
Thinking Your Way Through Your Research Project

Third Edition
  • Uwe Flick - Freie Universtität Berlin, Germany
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March 2020 | 416 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Offering an encyclopedic introduction to research, this book shows students how to think about every stage of their project and equips them with the tools they need to understand different research processes.

Packed with examples showing the diversity of research, this third edition provides hands-on guidance to help students:

  • Develop key academic skills like critical thinking, effective writing and building an argument
  • Confidently interpret findings, assess arguments and understand the wider impact of their research
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities involved in working with new types of data like social media and online data

Supported by a dynamic new website with downloadable templates, case studies, dos and don’ts videos and more, this practical book prepares students for not just getting to grips with methodological concepts, but being ready to apply them.

Part I: Orientation
Chapter 1: Why Social Research?
Chapter 2: Worldviews in Social Research
Chapter 3: Ethical Issues in Social Research
Chapter 4: From Research Idea to Research Question
Part II: Planning and Design
Chapter 5: Reading and Reviewing the Literature
Chapter 6: Steps in the Research Process
Chapter 7: Designing Social Research
Part III: Method Selection
Chapter 8: Deciding on Your Methods
Chapter 9: Triangulation and Mixed Methods
Part IV: Working with Data
Chapter 10: Using Existing Data
Chapter 11: Collecting Data
Chapter 12: Analyzing Data
Part V: Reflection and Writing
Chapter 13: What is Good Research? Evaluating Your Research Project
Chapter 14: Writing up Research and Using Results

A significant effort has been made to present a detailed, contemporary overview of designing and conducting social research. The author goes beyond the usual content covered in this type of textbook, by elaborating on worldview methodological approaches to research.

Shakiela K Davies
Clinical Psychology Lecturer, University of South Wales

This continues to be a stand-out resource for students who are undertaking their first social research project, and this edition brings many welcome updates. Particularly welcome are the strengthening of the section on ethics, and the integration of online and digital research throughout the text.

Cathy Lasher
Program Leader in Reflective Therapeutic Practice, The Metanoia Institute

This is a really useful and comprehensive resource for all researchers.

Dr Amanda O'Shea
School of Education, Northampton University
November 10, 2021

This book offers a solid grounding for research projects enabling insight into the what, when and why questions. Chapters provoke engagement with methods, reasoning and analysis so that those undertaking research find their own starting point and positionality.

Dr Angela Scollan
School of Health and Education, Middlesex University
December 17, 2021

A useful and easy to read book about research methods, giving students a clear introduction to research methodology.

Alison Owen
Faculty of Health and Sciences, Staffordshire University
October 13, 2022

Essential reading from BA level to PhD. Useful chapters that break down a research project into digestible pieces, making it easy to pick up and put down over a period of time without forgetting the information.

Mrs susan mckinnon
The Adams Building, New College Nottingham
August 24, 2021

Moved to a new university. Will consider adoption on courses there as the content was relevant and accessible.

Dr Seren Roberts
School of Healthcare Sciences, Bangor University
July 22, 2022

A useful introduction to research methodology, including a raft of useful online resources for both students and staff

Dr Caroline Brett
Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University
February 25, 2021

Very useful guide - will use with 4th yr and Masters students

Dr Karen A Lowing
School of Education, Stirling University
October 30, 2021

Comprehensive, educative, easy to read and to overview.

Mr Par Engholm
School of Social Sciences, Sodertorn University
July 22, 2020

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1: Why Social Research?

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ISBN: 9781526496935
ISBN: 9781526496942