Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
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Content of Published Articles
JPP&M publishes articles on (1) current public policy subjects and (2) enduring conceptual or empirical studies that have public policy implications.
First, because JPP&M publishes articles on current public policy issues, manuscripts that address topical problems are strongly encouraged. The focus of articles should be thoughtful and insightful analyses of public issues that affect the profession of marketing. Articles should be scholarly, practical, and well documented, and they should meet generally accepted standards for conceptual and analytical rigor appropriate for a premier professional journal. Recent issues addressed in the journal have included consumer privacy, product warnings, deregulation, the role of the FTC and the state in regulating marketing and advertising, health care, pricing, international trade, and vulnerable populations.
Second, JPP&M encourages the submission of manuscripts that advance theory development or research methods in the field. For example, manuscripts that focus on understanding consumers' processing of warning messages, developing methods for clustering products into relevant markets for antitrust analysis, or providing ethical foundations of appropriate marketing activity are suitable for publication.
Stimulating Interest in Marketing and Public Policy Research
JPP&M endeavors to inform its readers about ongoing public policy debates. Therefore, the journal encourages the submission of thoughtful statements on current controversies as a means of influencing the direction of further research.
JPP&M also encourages young scholars to submit manuscripts on marketing and public policy topics. The journal will continue to play a significant role in helping emerging scholars develop their research programs.
Jeremy Kees | Villanova University, USA |
Beth Vallen | Villanova University, USA |
Roland Rust | University of Maryland, USA |
Stacey Menzel Baker | Creighton University, USA |
Aronté Marie Bennett | Villanova University, USA |
Christopher Berry | Colorado State University, USA |
Sterling A. Bone | Utah State University, USA |
Tonya Williams Bradford | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Donnel Briley | University of Sydney, Australia |
Jacob Brower | Queen's University, Canada |
Melissa G. Bublitz | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Peter R. Darke | York University, Canada |
Benét DeBerry-Spence | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
Dhruv Grewal | Babson College, USA |
Kelly Haws | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Leonard Lee | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Marlys Mason | Oklahoma State University, USA |
Martin Mende | Arizona State University, USA |
Elizabeth Miller | University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA |
Shintaro Okazaki | King's College London, UK |
Rebecca Walker Reczek | The Ohio State University, USA |
Linda Court Salisbury | Boston College, USA |
Hope Schau | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Clifford Shultz | Loyola University Chicago, USA |
Raji Srinivasan | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Marla Royne Stafford | University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA |
Andrea H. Tangari | Wayne State University, USA |
Remi Trudel | Boston University, USA |
Kristen Walker | California State University, Northridge, USA |
Natalie Ross Adkins | Drake University, USA |
Kathryn Aikin | U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA |
Craig Andrews | Marquette University, USA |
Courtney Nations Azzari | University of North Florida, USA |
Rajesh Bagchi | Virginia Tech, USA |
Yakov Bart | Northeastern University, USA |
Sara Baskentli | Western Washington University, USA |
Mia M. Birau | EMLYON Business School, France |
Lauren Block | Baruch College, USA |
Chris Blocker | Colorado State University, USA |
Samuel K. Bonsu | Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana |
Benjamin Borenstein | Villanova University, USA |
Aaron R. Brough | Utah State University, USA |
Scot Burton | University of Arkansas, USA |
Les Carlson | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA |
Lan Nguyen Chaplin | Northwestern University, USA |
Charlene Chen | Nanyang Technical University, Singapore |
Larry D. Compeau | Clarkson University, USA |
Paul M. Connell | Stony Brook University, USA |
T. Bettina Cornwell | University of Oregon, USA |
John Costello | University of Notre Dame, USA |
Robin Coulter | University of Connecticut, USA |
David Crockett | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
Samantha Cross | Babson College, USA |
Darren Dahl | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Gopal Das | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India |
Patrick De Pelsmacker | University of Antwerpen, Belgium |
Debra Desrochers | University of Bath, UK |
Timothy Dewhirst | University of Guelph, Canada |
Utpal Dholakia | Rice University, USA |
Susan Dobscha | Bentley University, USA |
Joshua D. Dorsey | Florida International University, USA |
Shuili Du | University of New Hampshire, USA |
Meike Eilert | University of Nebraska–Lincoln and Ascension, USA |
Akon E. Ekpo | Loyola University Chicago, USA |
Jennifer Edson Escalas | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Adam Farmer | University of Alabama, USA |
Justine Farrell | University of San Diego, USA |
Daniel Fernandes | Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal |
Raffaele Filieri | Audencia Business School, France |
Stacey Finkelstein | Stony Brook University, USA |
M. Paula Fitzgerald | West Virginia University, USA |
Andrea Godfrey Flynn | University of San Diego, USA |
Alexa Fox | University of Akron, USA |
George Franke | University of Alabama, USA |
Martin Paul Fritze | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany |
Nitika Garg | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Aaron M. Garvey | University of Kentucky, USA |
Roland Gau | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan |
Kelly Geyskens | Maastricht University, Netherlands |
Mary Gilly | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Alexei Gloukhovtsev | Aalto University School of Business, Finland |
Shreyans Goenka | Virginia Tech, USA |
Sonya Grier | American University, USA |
Merlyn Griffiths | University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA |
Amir Grinstein | Northeastern University, USA |
Greg Gundlach | University of North Florida, USA |
Manoj Hastak | American University, USA |
Nicole Hess | University of South Florida, USA |
Ron Hill | American University, USA |
Wayne D. Hoyer | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Sertan Kabadayi | Fordham University, USA |
Bernadette Kamleitner | WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Carol Kaufman-Scarborough | Rutgers University, USA |
Punam A. Keller | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, USA |
Ann-Marie Kennedy | University of Canterbury, New Zealand |
Thomas C. Kinnear | University of Michigan, USA |
Yuliya Komarova | Fordham University, USA |
Steven W. Kopp | University of Arkansas, USA |
Monica LaBarge | Queen's University, Canada |
Cait Lamberton | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Richard P. Larrick | Duke University, USA |
Ju-Yeon Lee | Iowa State University, USA |
Lama Lteif | University of New Mexico, USA |
Richard J. Lutz | University of Florida, USA |
Adriana Madzharov | University of Bath, UK |
Kelley Main | University of Manitoba, Canada |
Kenneth C. Manning | Colorado State University, USA |
Ingrid Martin | California State University, Long Beach, USA |
Kelly Martin | Colorado State University, USA |
Pierre McDonagh | University of Bath, UK |
Matthew D. Meng | Utah State University, USA |
Tyler Milfeld | Villanova University, USA |
George R. Milne | University of Massachusetts, USA |
Elizabeth Minton | University of Wyoming, USA |
Ann Mirabito | Baylor University, USA |
Christine Moorman | Duke University, USA |
Gergana Nenkov | Boston College, USA |
Richard G. Netemeyer | University of Virginia, USA |
Christopher Newman | University of Mississippi, USA |
Patricia Norberg | Quinnipiac University, USA |
Genevieve E. O'Connor | Fordham University, USA |
Lucie Ozanne | University of Canterbury, New Zealand |
Robert Palmatier | University of Washington, USA |
Janis Pappalardo | U.S. Federal Trade Commission, USA |
Connie (Cornelia) Pechmann | University of California - Irvine, USA |
John Peloza | University of Kentucky, USA |
Laura A. Peracchio | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA |
Vanessa Gail Perry | George Washington University, USA |
Michael Polonsky | Deakin University, Australia |
Deidre Popovich | Texas Tech University, USA |
Linda L. Price | University of Wyoming, USA |
Marie Louise Radanielina-Hita | HEC Montréal, Canada |
Randle D. Raggio | University of Richmond, USA |
Shelly Rathee | Villanova University, USA |
Aric Rindfleisch | University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA |
Debra Jones Ringold | Willamette University, USA |
Stacey G. Robinson | University of Alabama, USA |
José Antonio Rosa | Iowa State University, USA |
Adriana Samper | Arizona State University, USA |
Cinthia B. Satornino | University of New Hampshire, USA |
Maura L. Scott | The Arizona State University, USA |
Kathleen Seiders | Boston College, USA |
Sankar Sen | Baruch College, USA |
Jayati Sinha | Florida International University, USA |
Gina Elaine Slejko | Colorado State University, USA |
Ronn J. Smith | University of Wyoming, USA |
Francesca Sobande | Cardiff University, UK |
Dave Sprott | Claremont Graduate University, USA |
Srinivas Sridharan | Monash University, Australia |
Laurel Steinfield | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
David W. Stewart | Loyola Marymount University, USA |
Lisa Szykman | College of William and Mary, USA |
Charles R. Taylor | Villanova University, USA |
Meredith Rhoads Thomas | Florida State University, USA |
Gautham Gopal Vadakkepatt | George Mason University, USA |
Jenny van Doorn | University of Groningen, Netherlands |
Koert van Ittersum | University of Groningen, Netherlands |
Eric Van Steenburg | Montana State University, USA |
Eric VanEpps | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Madhubalan Viswanathan | Loyola Marymount University, USA |
Jessica Vredenburg | Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand |
T.J. Weber | California Polytechnic State University, USA |
William L. Wilkie | University of Notre Dame, USA |
Marie A. Yeh | Loyola University Maryland, USA |
Daniel M. Zane | Lehigh University, USA |
Kuangjie Zhang | Nanyang Technical University, Singapore |
Shaoming Zou | University of Missouri - Columbia, USA |
T.J. Anderson | Academic Content Manager |
Jess Barselow | Production Editor |
Karin Horler | Senior Copy Editor |
Bennie F. Johnson | Chief Executive Officer |
Michelle Kritselis | Publisher, Academic Communities and Journals |
Marilyn Stone | Director, Academic Communities and Journals |
Matt Weingarden | Exceutive Vice President, Communities and Journals |