Judicial Process in America
Thirteenth Edition
- Robert A. Carp - University of Houston, USA
- Kenneth L. Manning - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
- Lisa M. Holmes - University of Vermont, USA
- Jennifer Bowie - University of Richmond, USA
Other Titles in:
Law & Courts
Law & Courts
March 2025 | CQ Press
Judicial Process in America, Thirteenth Edition, by Robert Carp, Kenneth Manning, Lisa Holmes, and Jennifer Bowie is a market-leading and comprehensive textbook for both academic and general audiences. The book explains the link between the courts, public policy, and the political environment. Considering the courts from every level, the authors cover judges, lawyers, litigants, and the variables at play in the judicial decision-making process, the impact of those decisions on American citizens, and what the consequences are for the United States today.
List of Tables and Figures
Chapter 1: Foundations of Law in the United States
Chapter 2: The Federal Judicial System
Chapter 3: State Judicial Systems
Chapter 4: Jurisdiction and Policymaking Boundaries
Chapter 5: State Judges
Chapter 6: Federal Judges
Chapter 7: Policy Links Among the Citizenry, the President, and the Federal Judiciary
Chapter 8: Lawyers, Litigants, and Interest Groups in the Judicial Process
Chapter 9: Crime and Procedures Prior to a Criminal Trial
Chapter 10: The Criminal Trial and Its Aftermath
Chapter 11: The Civil Court Process
Chapter 12: Decision-Making by Trial Court Judges
Chapter 13: Decision-Making in Collegial Courts
Chapter 14: Implementation and Impact of Judicial Policies
Chapter 15: Policymaking by American Judges: A Synthesis
Appendix: Annotated Constitution
Case Index
Subject Index
About the Authors
I have been assigning this text for more than 10 years. It is an outstanding textbook to introduce students to the judicial process.
University of South Florida St Petersburg