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Materials Science and Technology

Materials Science and Technology

Published in Association with Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

eISSN: 17432847 | ISSN: 02670836 | Current volume: 41 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: 18 Times/Year

Materials Science and Technology publishes research on the fundamental and technological aspects of materials science, materials engineering and technology.

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Materials Science and Technology is an international forum for the publication of refereed contributions covering fundamental and technological aspects of materials science and engineering.

The journal has a particular interest in the continuum from understanding of process routes leading to the generation of microstructure, through characterisation and understanding of how microstructure is controlled and manipulated, to the control and prediction of relevant engineering properties. 'Microstructure' is shorthand for nano/micro/meso/macrostructure, provided that 'structure' is identified at the appropriate size scale. 'Properties' may be electrical, mechanical, electronic, chemical, magnetic, thermal, optical, or biochemically related. Reports of the use of modelling, informatics and related approaches to enhance understanding and predict properties must include validation against experimental results.

Contributions addressing any part of the continuum in an insightful manner, whatever the material system, are invited. What is important is that an attempt is made to relate 'properties' back to effects of 'microstructure'.

Subscribers receive online access to the full back archive of MST included in their subscription. This archive provides complete coverage of MST back to Volume 1 (1985). The archive does not include the journal's predecessors, Metal Science (1967-84) and Metals Technology (1974-84).

Kip Findley Colorado School of Mines, USA
Nick Jones Cambridge University, UK
Radhakanta Rana Tata Steel, The Netherlands
Svjetlana Stekovic Linköping University, Sweden
Editorial Board
Professor Moataz Attallah University of Birmingham, UK
Dr F. G. Caballero National Center for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC), Spain
Dr C. Capdevila-Montes National Center for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC), Spain
Professor J. Driver Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France
Dr D. Dye Imperial College London, UK
Dr J. A. Francis University of Manchester, UK
Dr A. Godfrey Tsinghua University, China
Dr C. Gupta Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
Professor S. V. Hainsworth FREng - Aston University, UK
Professor K. Huang Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Professor M. X. Huang University of Hong Kong, China
Dr W. B. Hutchinson KIMAB, Sweden
Dr A Khvan National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia
Dr E. A. Little University of Wales, Swansea University, UK
Professor J. Marrow University of Oxford, UK
Professor R. D. K. Misra University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Dr R. Moat Open University, UK
Dr A. Pramanik Curtin University, Australia
Professor R. Qin Open University, UK
Professor R. C. Reed University of Oxford, UK
Professor P. R. Rios UFF-EEIMVR, Volta Redonda, Brazil
Professor S. B. Singh IIT Kharagpur, India
Professor D. W. Suh POSTECH, Korea
Dr M. Warwick TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Professor P. J. Withers, FREng University of Manchester, UK
Professor K. M. Wu Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
Professor H. L. Yi Northeastern University, China
Dr L. Zhang Edith Cowan University, Australia
  • Clarivate Analytics: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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