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Mathematics Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites

Mathematics Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites
20 Numeracy Strategies That Engage the Brain, PreK-8

November 2008 | 200 pages | Corwin
This spin-off of the best-sellingáresource, Worksheets DonÆt Grow Dendrites, Marcia Tate's latest book will focus on mathematics instruction for K-8 teachers. Beginning with an overview of the current research on mathematics instructionáorganized around the NCTM strands,áMathematics Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites includesáauthentic activitiesáfrom math teachers from around the country. Every chapter will include Pre-K-2 activities, Grade 3-5 Activities, and 6-8 Activities. A Reflection and Application Section at the end of each chapter allows an educator to be introspective about the activities as well as adaptáor augment the activitiesáto meet their students' individual needs. A Bibliography of Math and Literature Resources and a Brain-Compatible Lesson Planning Guide closes out this guide. áá
About the Authors
Strategy 1. Brainstorming and Discussion
Strategy 2. Drawing and Artwork
Strategy 3. Field Trips
Strategy 4. Games
Strategy 5. Graphic Organizers, Semantic Maps, and Word Webs
Strategy 6. Humor
Strategy 7. Manipulatives, Experiments, Labs, and Models
Strategy 8. Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes
Strategy 9. Mnemonic Devices
Strategy 10. Movement
Strategy 11. Music, Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rap
Strategy 12. Project-Based and Problem-Based Instruction
Strategy 13. Reciprocal Teaching and Cooperative Learning
Strategy 14. Role Plays, Drama, Pantomimes, and Charades
Strategy 15. Storytelling
Strategy 16. Technology
Strategy 17. Visualization and Guided Imagery
Strategy 18. Visuals
Strategy 19. Work Study and Apprenticeships
Strategy 20. Writing and Journals
Resource A: Have You Read Any Math Lately?
Resource B: Brain-Compatible Lesson Design

“The author does a good job of describing the NCTM content standards and providing examples that incorporate recommendations from NCTM and other experts in the field on how best to deepen students’ understanding of mathematics. The book covers all grades, thus enhancing its appeal to all mathematics teachers.”

Linda Kallam, Professor of Mathematics
Southeastern Oklahoma State University

"A very useful resource for new and experienced teachers. The book will also equip administrators with strategies that they can model in staff meetings and with teachers.”

Pam Summers, K-12 Mathematics Coordinator
Lubbock Independent School District, TX

For instructors

This book is not available as an inspection copy. For more information contact your local sales representative.

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ISBN: 9781412953337
ISBN: 9781412953320