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"This is a timely well researched, practical view into the teachers’ view of Visible Learning and all this research can do to advance learning for all students. Written in an engaging, example filled, light humorous style it gives the reader some real practical examples of formative assessment strategies, clarity about learning intentions and success criteria, the essence of good lesson design. It’s what we have been waiting for to make Visible Learning come alive for our teachers in the classroom."
"This was a thought provoking read and one I will reference over and over again. The authors have created a thorough reference for all teachers working to make their feedback impact learning, not only student learning, but their own. This will be a valuable reference for educators for years to come. I think that this reaches beyond classroom walls and will also help administrators model feedback for teachers and make an impact on the growth of student achievement."
"This book is a must-have for teachers. It’s easy-to-read and easy-to-implement. Feedback provided at the right time and in the right manner increases student motivation and learning outcome. It is relevant for all grade levels."
"A great tool for professional development and personal growth for any educator. This book is the add-on I need during feedback sessions. Teachers need the examples and explanations this book offers."
"With the rapid emergence of formative assessment used in support of learning, refinements also are emerging in our understanding of how to use of descriptive feedback during learning to promote student success. This new book provides the most up-to-date and complete treatment synthesis of those understandings. Rare is the book that offers guidance both to scholars and practitioners, but this book does both."
"This book is for anyone who wants to help others get better. I found myself taking notes in chapter after chapter because of the practical advice based on succinct summaries of research and evidence. I could incorporate the ideas in my classes the next day. Nottingham and Nottingham remind us that “to assess” means “to sit beside.” They come alongside us as readers to help us better understand how to move beyond advice and evaluation to feedback that leads to improvement."
"Feedback – a noun or a verb? A separate practice or an integral part of the learning process? Something we do ‘to students’ or ‘with students’? The Nottinghams sort it all out for us – the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ of the process and the practice of feedback. A simply and elegantly organized book with tons of resources that guide educators to practice quality feedback. A ‘must read’ for all teacher teams!"
"This book is an accessible and comprehensive guide - one that provides the whole picture when it comes to offering quality feedback to deepen student learning. Each chapter ends with questions that inspired me to reflect and take a hard look at where I am in my feedback journey. Busy instructional leaders will appreciate the organizational structure of the book as well as the clear definitions and practical examples that can used to help teachers envision the ideas into practice."
"Finally a practical book on feedback for teachers! The Nottinghams cut through the hype and misinformation and brings teachers a valuable tool they will want to revisit often throughout their career. It is written with the teacher in mind, lesson plan in hand, and relevant to all in education. The perfect school-wide book study book!"
"James and Jill Nottingham have once again equipped educators with practical applications and examples of how to not only increase learning, but ensure it will happen at the greatest possible levels. They provide teachers with strategies for creating the culture their classrooms need to help students reach the “Eureka moments” where learning becomes accelerated by the students…and their desire to grow and learn even more is augmented.
"Not only does this book support teachers in developing a deep understanding of quality descriptive feedback, the authors give practical examples of how to design learning intentions and success criteria to lift the quality of feedback during lessons. The authors offer innovative feedback tools based on The Learning Challenge (The Learning Pit); these innovative tools will support teachers in ensuring that feedback is reliable and valid when partnering with students to create a true learning culture!"
"James Nottingham’s work on Challenging Learning is a critical element of creating Visible Learners. This new series will help teachers hone the necessary pedagogical skills of dialogue, feedback, questioning, and mindset. There’s no better resource to encourage all learners to know and maximize their impact!"