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"The California ELD Standards Companion: Grades K-2 is a must have for all Kindergarten through Grade 2 classrooms. The book is teacher friendly, current and relevant. It can easily be aligned with any K-2 content area to enhance students English Language Development skills."
”The California ELD Standards Companion: Grades K-2 is a valuable resource for teachers to look up standards they are addressing to see the alignment of the ELD standards through the EL levels and across the K-2 grade span as well as alignment with some of the ELA standards. It will be useful to new teachers who are just learning about curriculum and standards and for administrators who are doing classroom walk-throughs and observations."
"For those who have been overwhelmed, have resisted, or just have not gotten around to it, the format of The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades K-2, with its specific examples of how standards play out it in the classroom, provides a nice context for learning the standards. It is a valuable resource for teachers to use."
"All teachers have access to the ELD standards to guide ELD instruction but it is not enough to have the standards given challenge of meeting the needs of ELs at each proficiency level. This book provides an easy to follow repetitive format with clearly stated introductions for Part I & Part II and offers a practical and effective plan for 'What the Student Does' and 'What the Teacher Does' in each section. It covers many important features that would enhance and improve instruction for English learners. "