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Küng’s book stands out for its focus on concepts, drivers, and dynamics. Its scope and learning are brilliant and dazzling. This updated edition will be a source of insight for students and a tool for industry veterans who seek the perspective of academia.
Covering an industry full of hope and hype, Küng’s book stands out for its focus on concepts, drivers, and dynamics. Its scope and learning are brilliant and dazzling – the ascendancy of the media tech sector, the culture of digital organizations, their creative workforce, and their strategic leadership. This greatly updated and upgraded 3rd edition, with new cases and issues, will be a source of insight for aspiring students and a tool for industry veterans who seek the perspective of academia.
The strategic environment of the media industry is changing fast” is perhaps the greatest understatement in this updated edition of Strategic Media Management. Around the globe, media organizations are coping with unparalleled and accelerating technological disruption of a breadth and velocity never witnessed before.
Lucy Küng’s groundbreaking book enters its 3rd edition with a bang! Updated to cover a complex strategic context including the digital platforms, generative AI, streaming, the metaverse and more, and with new illustrative case studies on media trends and organizational practice, this book is a must read for any scholar or student of media management
Hail to the Küng! A must-read for industry as well as academy, this is one of the best books about strategy and management in the media industries. It is written at a time where most of what is solid melts into air, but as the line between media and technology sectors increasingly blurs, no one writes about these issues with more clarity than Lucy Küng
Embark on a journey to comprehend the profound impact of the digital revolution on the media industry with this essential contribution. In this fully revised third edition of Strategic Management in the Media, Lcy Küng revisits the key elements of strategy and provides invaluable insights for navigating the accelerating process of transformation.
Once again, Lucy Küng has produced the standard text in media management. Fully updated, she offers a comprehensive and accessible guide to strategic management in the media for students, lecturers and researchers. It is compulsory reading in my classes!
In the age of relentless technological disruption, unlimited media distribution, artificial scarcity, content abundance, and non-professionalized creators and practices, successful media firms are more dependent than ever on strategic media management. In her first book, Lucy Küng identified the core concepts, strategic themes, and best practices in the field. In her second edition, Küng articulates the iterative dimensions of the media industries to account for an ever-increasing array of challenges and strategies.
A landmark contribution to scholarship in the area of media management, Lucy Küng’s excellent and most welcome revised Strategic Management in the Media provides an empirically rich and analytically sharp-sighted guide to the forces, concepts and issues governing contemporary organizational strategies in a complex and dynamic digital media environment
In this second edition of a book many found invaluable for research and teaching, including myself, Küng accomplishes a challenging task: to preserve all the best qualities of the first edition while both extending the scope and deepening understandings about strategic management theory in application to media industries. She has thoroughly updated an already rich assortment of case studies to ensure a much needed contemporary view of how theory informs practice, and the reverse
... provides vital insights into the elements of strategy and their application to media firms. Küng relates strategic concepts to the unique settings and operating conditions of various media using contemporary examples that direct attention to core issues and challenges. Solidly grounded in theory but not pedantic, the book explores the nature of change in media markets and how strategy must be altered in response. It is essential reading for those who make or wish to comprehend choices of media companies.
Insightful, contextually analytical, yet easy to comprehend, Strategic Management in the Media successfully applies the adaptive and interpretative areas of strategic theory in the media sectors. This book’s integrative approach provides a unique perspective in which common themes linking media strategy and industry environment were thoughtfully discussed. The focus on media organizations’ adaptive strategic behavior, especially in technology management, creativity and innovation offers a pragmatic approach to understanding today’s changing, complex world of media.
The third edition of Strategic Management in the Media consolidates Lucy Küng's work as one of the main references for managers and scholars in the information and entertainment industry. With the same seriousness and lucidity that characterized the previous editions, the author weaves a rich theoretical substrate about the media ecosystem in addition to showing, through real and extremely current cases, the opportunities and limits behind the business models that predominate in the sector.
I have learned so much from Lucy Küng's work and always look forward to her next book as a chance to learn more.