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Helpful information for additional reading
I will recommend this for adoption to the programme director for the certificate in healthcare programme. The book covers lots of useful info succinctly and I will direct the March cohort of students to read this.
I really appreciate this book, I teach AP's and students who are nursing pre reg, and the information and level are perfect.
The scope is just right, the images are clear and helpful, the explanations make sense.
The option for online materials are an extra boost.
A job well done.
Excellent book. Pity the e-version is only available through a hefty subscription.
Included this book in the reading list for learners, to guide their progression into University on a nursing career, and nursing associated pathways, which most are finding useful .
Very appropriate for the course. Many different subjects contained within for different modules and clinical skills.
This is a good core text for nursing associates and associate practitioners. It is encouraging that books solely related to the nursing associate and Assistant practitioner curriculum are finally coming to print. This would be a good book for educators in healthcare to refer to especially if supporting these students for the first time
Teaching Nursing associates, this book has proven to be an essential Bible for my students.
Not only is this book a part of their reading list, I actively recommend it at induction!
Brilliant, thankyou!