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`There is much that is excellent about this book. If all educational researchers had studied it thoroughly, especially the sections on research design, representative samples and confounding variables, then there might be less publication of sweeping statements based on insufficient evidence' - British Educational Research Journal
Very nice and readable book. I recommend it to all my students and refer to it frequently in my teaching
Not an easy read for novices
I personally found this book a very interesting read, but unfortunately this is not pitched at an appropriate level for our students. This is not a comment on the book, rather the structure of our course(s) and the outputs that our students are expected to produce. Many thanks.
Doing quantitative research in the social sciences an integrated approach to research design, measurement and statistics contains 22 chapters which are divided into six main parts.
A well written text-book that gives learners and teachers of quantitative research an in-depth understanding of the quantitative paradigm.
Provides a good overview of all statistical methods
This book has met my expectations, additionaly I would be happy if it has SPSS applications, but excel applications are also fine. Thanks for sending it. I'll benefit it for my course.
Budget cuts have forced us to not adopt a BSN program at this time.
this text is recommended for student much further in their masters degree study. it is very detailed and includes some intense statistical tests. I have made my students aware of it to consult as they progress through the masters level programme