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Johanna Haver's material has great substance, both practical and effective.
I found Structured English Immersion to be very well written and informative. I will share this resource with many administrators to help improve student achievement in Arizona. I was particularly interested in the practical tips she included for teaching English Language Learners.
Haver’s Structured English Immersion excels in its directives to implement an effective SEI program from start to finish. While citing research and giving the pedagogical basis for SEI, Haver does not get mired in the theory—instead, heading directly towards the practice. This book is an excellent resource for those schools and districts struggling to implement the best SEI program for their LEP students.
Haver’s book provides a comprehensive and well-organized guide to the structured immersion approach to English language acquisition. It will be a valuable tool for anyone involved in teaching English learners the language skills they need.
This book is very helpful not only to LEP teachers, but also to administrators who are responsible for setting up a program.
The strength of this book lies in its many strategies for English Immersion programs as well as help for the regular teacher as the English learner is mainstreamed. These strategies cover all grades, both elementary and secondary.
Well written with many practical suggestions that should be most helpful to ESL teachers at all levels.
The book is an excellent manual and should serve as an informative resource for teachers and schools struggling to move their non-English speakers into mainstream classes.