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"This book is both important and timely. Written by practitioners who are also academics, the book combines solid research, observation and practical experience that speak forcefully to the need for both local place-based development and greater citizen involvement. The examples they give of successful local efforts to renew neighborhoods demonstrate that change is possible and that resources are available for such purposes. Patricia W. Murphy and James V. Cunningham have provided a roadmap for rebuilding many of our communities and for strengthening the foundations of our democracy."
"Cunningham and Murphy have made a unique contribution to our understanding of economic development at the community level. For practitioners, students, and academicians, no other book connects the practical aspects of building an economic foundation and weaving the social fabric with such an inspiring sense of purpose. This is a work that is not only rigorous and useful, but is fun to read. Anyone who has ever tried to revive a blighted neighborhood will want to read this book."
"The authors lay out a compelling vision and a comprehensive organizing strategy for revitalizing local communities. Packed with rich case examples, this book presents a model for neighborhood planning and includes cutting-edge ideas for drawing on a community's strengths, assets and resources. This community-driven approach offers new hope for addressing problems stemming from America's growing racial divide, public indifference, the broken social contract, and economic disinvestment in low and moderate income communities.
"In this book, two veteran organizers propose putting community organizing back at the heart of neighborhood development. Murphy and Cunningham see Americans living in an almost endless number and variety of such places (they estimate there are 60,000 small communities) and lay out the components that any one of these might use to fashion its own tailor-made community organizing effort. It’s a bold, comprehensive scheme worth careful reading by all in the field."
“It is a worthy book, with probably the best collection of resources anywhere for those trying to combine organizing and development.”
The reading material will add value for students in further understanding various aspects of community organizing, development, and research.