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"An innovative topic, well presented. Any educator who reads this book without cracking a smile or having a good belly laugh is in the wrong business! Purkey's delightful expose about class clowns and the lessons to learn from them offers much needed fresh air and insightful messages."
"Dr. Purkey has gifted a joyous affirmation to all whose philosophy for effective living is anchored in the belief: 'A day without laughter is a day without sunshine.' "
“Sounding like a veteran professor, a concerned father, and a clown himself, Purkey spends much time defending some of the most challenging—and often engaging—students in the classroom. His empathy for these students is apparent, but he is realistic too. Purkey’s strategies will help any teacher struggling to manage the behavior of a class clown or another problematic student.”
"Teachers are given suggestions on how to emphasize fun in learning activities, channel humor positively, and create a classroom atmosphere that fosters the development of talents, especially the gift of humor. This core message is consistent with the strength-based approach of positive psychology."
"Provides an excellent description of the characteristics of class clowns and makes recommendations concerning how to teach them. This book would be particularly instructive for new teachers who are just learning about the ups and downs of different types of classroom behaviors."
"Humor is a super teaching instrument. Properly channeled, class clowns can provide sunshine for both the mind and heart in any classroom."
"For a class clown reading this book was like looking into a mirror. But I looked, sounded, and seemed smarter in Purkey's mirror."
"Purkey's stories, research, wisdom, wit, and humor constantly encourage the reader to read on. He invites everyone to make the world a better place by adhering to his eight rules for a cheerful life."
"The book made me look at the class clown in a positive light rather than a negative disruptive individual. It gave me many ideas on how to channel the energy of a class clown in a positive direction."
"Finally, the true significance of the 'class clown' has been professionally identified and analyzed as a functional teaching source. . . [and] presented as a challenging opportunity for the teacher to capitalize on this all-too-often over-looked student."
"In this delightfully written book, Dr. Purkey has captured the essence of those 'characters' whom all of us can relate with, having sat next to in school, been one ourselves (class clown) or endured the challenges of teaching these scamps. I have gained a more compassionate insight into multifaceted qualities of all those I teach."
"The book addresses an important area of education that has been neglected for too long of a time. Not only is the book informative and addresses an important educational area, the author writes in a style that is ‘easy reading’ and quite humorous. The authors style of writing actively engages and ‘invites’ the reader to think about his or her own past school experiences so as to become better teachers or administrators."
"This is an uplifting, refreshing, informative, amusing and generally life-enhancing book that addresses a reality most teachers define as a problem – the presence of class clowns in school rooms...offers practical suggestions for working with challenging individuals more productively – for both teachers’ and students’ sakes... articulates a perspective that resonates with the disheartening experiences of many teachers, yet inspires them to go beyond the status quo to bring greater significance, meaning and humanity to their work as professional educators."
"Purkey provides teachers a rare glimpse into the children behind the clowning student and describes “nuts and bolts” means to engage such students into the learning environment."
"There are many good and concrete suggestions for practitioners. The author not only identifies the complex issues at stake but goes on to make appropriate suggestions for dealing with class clowns. Teachers will be energized."
"First of all I was immediately able to see myself, and some of my antics, as a child, student, adult, police officer, and now a teacher! It was nice to finally be able to "come-out-of-the-closet" (so to speak) and truly be who I am! Second, I was able to apply a great deal of what was spoken of in helping my current Clown! He has responded marvelously! Third, this manuscript allowed me to look back at the errors I have made in working with students who identify with the Class Clown persona, and (hopefully) not repeat them."
"It is not difficult to read, and in places is laugh-out-loud funny. I related several of the more humorous passages to my wife, and we both laughed heartily. I would recommend this book to my colleagues because we have all had students like these in class, and they can be most disruptive if they want to. Having some strategies to use with these special students will be most helpful."
I wanted to look at this book because it could have been about me. I use it as a suggested reading in all the teaching and education classes because it lends important insight into the character of this type student