Statistics for the Health Sciences
A Non-Mathematical Introduction
- Christine Dancey - University of East London, UK
- John Reidy - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
- Richard Rowe - University of Sheffield, UK
Statistics for the Health Sciences is a highly readable and accessible textbook on understanding statistics for the health sciences, both conceptually and via the SPSS programme. The authors give clear explanations of the concepts underlying statistical analyses and descriptions of how these analyses are applied in health science research without complex maths formulae.
The textbook takes students from the basics of research design, hypothesis testing and descriptive statistical techniques through to more advanced inferential statistical tests that health science students are likely to encounter. The strengths and weaknesses of different techniques are critically appraised throughout, and the authors emphasise how they may be used both in research and to inform best practice care in health settings.
Exercises and tips throughout the book allow students to practice using SPSS. The companion website provides further practical experience of conducting statistical analyses. Features include:
• multiple choice questions for both student and lecturer use
• full Powerpoint slides for lecturers
• practical exercises using SPSS
• additional practical exercises using SAS and R
This is an essential textbook for students studying beginner and intermediate level statistics across the health sciences.
A useful, simple introduction to statistics which will be useful to students undertaking modules introducing research methods. Will recommend.
More pictures and e-resources would be helpful
well written and easy to understand for students new to statistics. The SPSS guide is useful
This book has been used as the supplementary book to those students who are new to statistical analysis.
Currently those who are doing their NQF Level 5 Projects are benefitting from the 'step by step approach' demonstrated in the book to analyse the quantitative data.
I will strongly recommend this book to my undergraduate and postgraduate students in health and related courses. The authors have done a really good job by presenting key statistical concepts using a purely non-mathematical approach. This will help demystify statistics to beginners. The use of material reported in journal articles to illustrate concepts introduced by the authors is also a notable strength of the book.
I find this book a very useful and plain English introduction to the world of statistics in the Health and Social Sciences. Much of the content also translates into Educational Research in which I also have an interest. I will recommend this book to learners on my HE courses.
Coming year of study we'll start with the English version of the Minor Health Care & Science. For the module statistics this textbook seems suitable. Especially because the students entering this minor are coming from a braod range of Allied Health Professions: Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy. The examples in this textbook cover a broad ranges in which every participant will recognise his own profession!
This is a very basic statistics book suitable for undergraduates and beginners. As I am teaching mainly postgraduate, I use this book as supplementary reading for candidates who are relatively new and weak in statistics in medicine.
This very helpful book enables those who are non-mathematicians to obtain a real grasp and understanding of the key statistical tests and how best to apply them.
Excellent and readable text book.