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"This book broadens the scope of gifted education to a large group of students who are often overlooked. Its message fills a gap across the country for gifted educators who want to be more inclusive."
"The authors provide a practical approach to assisting Spanish-speaking high ability students. What sets this book apart is that it offers districts best practices for teaching and supporting all students from Spanish-speaking families."
"This practical guide suggests that educators look at students' strengths and view their language as a strength instead of a deficit. The authors provide great ways to communicate with parents, and I like the discussion of cultural norms. I would certainly recommend this publication to peers."
"ELL and Bilingual teachers, teachers of gifted and talented students, mainstream teachers, and administrators of these programs should all read this book. I have never seen any other book mention gifted and talented Hispanic students. This book will fill the void for a neglected area of under-represented peoples."
"While we know that we need bilingual professionals to compete in a global market, we are failing to identify our own bilingual talent in America. This book will help educators, parents, and administrators find and nurture Hispanic-American talented children. I work with Hispanic families and students and I need a resource like this to help me advocate for them."
Discovering and Developing Talents in Spanish-Speaking Students is long overdue and should be read by aspiring educators, current educators, school leaders and education policy makers. The authors have crafted an extensively well sourced piece of scholarship that references important research from an array of fields related to the education of gifted new learners of English. They provide critical information about why America needs to identify and nurture this pool of talent.