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'The book thoughtfully combines core teaching topics for professional studies with suggestions for critical reading at Master’s level in every chapter and this helps to ensure that it is a “must have” read for beginning teachers, mentors and professional tutors in both secondary and primary contexts. In short, what’s not to like?'
'This book claims to be 'an introduction for beginning secondary teachers on developing the art of critical reflective teaching throughout their professional work.' It does this well.
This new edition has been updated to reflect recent developments in education policy and research. Importantly, it also stresses the need for beginning teachers to recognise the changing environment they are entering.
Perfect companion for Secondary ITE students - essential for our trainees
This book contains a range of relevant discussion on theoretical perspectives in relation to teaching; not essential for foundation degree students but does offer the opportunity to explore a range of educational theories in different contexts. A well-written and detailed book.
This book give a range of key topics for students to reflect upon and the research related links enable them to extend their knowledge. We like the activities which are an nice way o get students to engage and think further about their own practice and that in their training schools.
With an emphasis on reflective practice and an assignment on small scale classroom research this book is on the Biology PGCE reading list and recommended to students. Although, and perhaps because, students are under great pressure I think that the activities in each chapter encourage the students to think about their reading.
A potentially very useful book to help guide trainee teachers through their course. It will be helpful in enabling them to start to bring together research, Policy and practice as it is written in an easy to understand and non-threatening way.
Excellent resource for prospective teachers.
Thoughtful book to develop reflective practitioners. Useful to have a section on the role of the form tutor.
This text is a most considered and comprehensive reference to key sign posts for quality T&L any PGCE student should be keen to purchase. The content is rich in relevance and wisdom.
An essential text for FdA Learning Support students working in secondary schools. So much of the literature for Learning Support tends to focus on the primary phase. Chapters cover key topics such as ways of learning, assessment and pastoral care all contextualised to the secondary environment, and will be of great help to secondary-based students, in a range of FdA modules.
One of our CORE texts. This edition is effective in updating to reflect changes in the educational landscape.
This book was a very useful aid for my students to reflect on their practice.
This latest edition of the book is very well written and is an essential guide to all beginning teachers.
A really useful text to support the PGCE and M level course, particularly helpful to our School Direct Distance courses. Highly recommendable.