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very good for apprentices
This is a well written book for my PTLLS learners it covers all the mandatory units and it is more than excellent read. The level of english is adequate for those undertaking the course and it has been a very indispensable resource. Would definitely recommend it as an essential read.
Very useful for our level 4 students in need of a text that is accessible at their level.
This further engaging read is really worth recommending to students who have no recent or little study and research experience to support their learning and progression. It will help ignite sound study skills and writing compilations.
I lent candidates this book to trial and the feedback was good. They said it was easy to read, not too academic and particularly like the 'presenting your work' section starting on page 105, as it helped them focus on the writing process. Many candidates are not confident with grammar and spelling and the examples of conjunctions etc. were really useful.
This has been invaluable for students on the PTLLS course. It is written in a non-condescending practical manner with lots of hints and tips to complete assignments.
A good choice for those learners needing further support.
Useful guide for learners who have been out of study for a long time and are returning to learning. It focusses on the specific qualification studied which is better than the generic study skills books. It can also be used for CTLLS.
Book is easy to follow, providing clear guidance and tips that students find useful. Students commented on how they have found it 'brilliant' and keep it alongside them as they study/write.
Many students want to expand on their qualifications the PLTS book is great for giving insight into the PLTS. those students that wish to develop further said they would buy this book to guide them.
An excellent and appropriate read for ant Ptlls student. It is also really good for students returning to education after a long time away.
Very appropriate for PTLLS students.
A very user-friendly text which I can use in my tutorial sessions as well as for students to use independently.
Helpful text for students undertaking the PTLLS.
Another excellent PTLLS book!
This book is recommended for learners who have been out of education for a while and are starting their PTLLS.
A good book to accompany the Preparing to Teach book by Ann Gravells. It is essential that students returning to study have support, and this book does help them prepare and organise their work.
This has been recommended as a library purchase.
Fab, fab, fab book - absolutely essential for all PTLLS learners as it will help those learners who have not been to education for a long time. I really enjoyed reading this book and have highlighted sections that will help learners. Another brilliant book.
Clear explanations of the award and next stages after the award. Easy to read and follow.
Good coverage of basic tips to assist learners. Eg. note taking.
Lots of helpful references.
Presenting your PTlls work is clear and directive to negate anxiety related to delivering work.