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"For the past several years, we have used the Collaboration and Co-Teachingbook (Honigsfeld & Dove) to guide the professional learning work for ESOL and content teachers at all levels. This new book, Collaboration and Co-Teaching: A Leaders Guide is an excellent resource to help district level leaders and principals create an effective and coherent plan to help teachers maximize student learning for English language learners (ELLs) in a co-taught content classroom setting.
"These are demanding times for our ELL population with the many academic and state mandated changes for providing services. The movement has catapulting ELLs into the spotlight and with it a greater emphasis on their academic achievement and acquisition of English language skills. The bar has been set high state-wide with the common core standards and the expectation that all students meet the criterion set forth for college and career readiness. How do we make this a reality for students that don’t speak English?
"Collaboration and Coteaching for English Learners: A Leader's Guide by Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove will become an essential go-to resource for any district or school leader working with teachers to enhance the lives of English Language Learners. Collaboration, co-teaching and similar strategies can only succeed if instructors receive adequate support from their administrators.
“Creating an overall school climate of belonging is essential to collaborative practices for English Language Learners. School leaders need to know how to provide professional development on collaborative practices as well as how to monitor and foster the collaborative practices of their teachers and staff. Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove have provided a succinct, informative guide for both novice and experienced school leaders to create a successful collaborative practice at the school level.
"Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove have done it again! In Collaboration and Co-Teaching for ELLs: A Leader’s Guide, they reframe and extend the timely conversation they began in 2010, now focusing on helping administrators provide collaborative services for English learners. They adeptly frame the pertinent issues while also offering helpful support for leaders at all levels, who are committed to ensuring equity for this growing population (of students), which presents numerous strengths as well as unique challenges.
"This book is the natural next step after the original Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners by Honigsfeld and Dove. It is vital that the very important audience of administrators and school leaders engage in the value of collaboration and co-teaching for ELLs. A solid research base and instant applicability are at the heart of this user-friendly, practical guide."
"In Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Leaders Guide, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove offer crucial support to school leaders who are working on achieving success with English learners. Their answer is clear: build a system for teacher collaboration! This is a great read!"
"Since ALL™ students are Academic Language Learners, it is essential that teachers collaborate to teach the academic language that aligns with content. Collaboration is a set of complex skills and attitudes that can be developed through focused leadership.
"This book is an important and much-needed resource for leaders who are supporting teachers of ELLs. No longer is it possible for classroom teachers and ESOL specialists to work in isolation, and the effective support of their leaders is critical to teachers’ success in working collaboratively to foster the learning and build upon the rich resources of ELLs."
"In one of the most linguistically diverse boards in Canada, a focus on supporting English language learners through collaboration and co-teaching is a moral imperative. Throughout our district-wide, three-year project Collaborative Inquiry Learning in Literacy (CIL-L), the Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners text has provided the pedagogical stance for many of our instructional leaders both at the district and school level to move the work forward. It confirms what we know and believe in Peel.
"As schools struggle to interpret the demands of CCSS, the growing needs of ELLs are often left in the margin or addressed through superficial approaches such as add-on strategies in teachers' manuals or undeveloped collaborative models of teaching that relegate ESL teachers to the role of classroom aides. Honigsfeld and Dove are leaders in promoting a different vision in which the expertise of all teachers is brought to the task of deeply engaging ELs in rigorous academic learning to meet the new standards.
"I respect and appreciate that Honigsfeld and Dove did not just use a theoretical framework to create Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Leaders Guide, but used research and active school leaders to help bring this book to life.
"Honigsfeld and Dove have done it again! This dynamic duo has created a timely, informative, easy-to-read resource for educational leaders who see the value in a more collaborative approach to meet the needs of their English learners. This book is an essential read for administrators and teacher leaders who are seeking practical suggestions grounded in research to create collaborative school environments that promote academic achievement of all learners."
"School leaders face daunting challenges to address the communities they serve and needs of students in the schoolhouse. Chief among those challenges is the need to foster a collaborative school environment that promotes effective English language learning. Collaboration and Co-Teaching for ELLs: A Leader's Guide provides leaders with an approach that works flexibly and effectively in schools that serve English language learners.
"Even with well-trained teachers and policies in place, closing the gap for English learners is often difficult because of school leaders' lack of training and background in English learner and program needs. With Collaboration and Coteaching for English Learners: A Leader's Guide, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove provide a much-needed road map for success to school leaders.
"As we understand the wide diversity among English language Learners today, it becomes essential for all staff to work together including principals, assistant principals, ESL teachers, classroom teachers, academic intervention specialists, content area teachers, instructional coaches and paraprofessionals to meet the academic and social needs of the English language learners in their school. Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove answer seven key questions in this book on collaborative services, models, curriculum development, instruction, collaborative teaching, p
"Honigsfeld and Dove’s Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners : A Leader's Guide text provides much needed insight and depth to this important educational topic. Based on their professional experiences, solid research and field-vetted practices, the authors unearth to the essential issues of collaboration in co-teaching in schools.
"I can’t begin to explain my excitement of having Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Leader's Guide to reference those schools and districts I work closely with in the implementation of co-teaching and collaboration. Finally, a tool that equips systems, leaders, and teachers with a framework that encompasses the culture of collaboration and takes it to the next level.
"In this book, Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Leader’s Guide, Honigsfeld and Dove continue sharing their experience and expertise in collaboration for English Language Learner success, this time focusing on school leaders.