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I really liked the simplicity of this book. I liked the use of case-studies and activities as it makes the book more interactive.
Great summary of assessment within a nursing context, involving other appropriate literature and linked to NMC skills and outcomes
I thought that this was a very useful book. This is because it is clear, concise and includes the use of vignettes.
This a core text for us in year two now.
Its concise and straight forward and the students find it easy to use and reference to support their own work.
This is a very useful book for undergraduate mental health nurses. It combines theory with activities giving it a workbook feel, encouraging students to engage and / or work independently. The linking in of NMC requirements is especially important.
A useful text for nursing students which relates clearly to the NMC outcomes.
key text to support our students to prepare them for their vivas on their use of assessments whilst on placement.
This book is reasonably accessible for student nurses. Provides some concise information regarding assessment which is essential for anyone responsible for assessment.
This will be recommended as part of our Year 3 nursing module.
Library informed
This book is very useful for mental health undergraduate nursing students. I will recommend it to the students from the MH specialty who undertake my module. A strength, I think, are the case studies. A weakness, for me, is the focus on NMC Standards.
A useful resource, but one of a choice of books that the students have at present. I do mention this to students though as a prompt.
Easy to read and offers a basic overview of concepts surrounding Assessment & decision making. I would recommend this to students as a good starting point on the topic.
I found that this text book combined all the elements I needed for my students. The layout of the book was excellent
A very good, concise book with essential information on assessment. I will be recommending it to my undergraduate students
I have passed this book to several Mental Health Lecturer colleagues as some of the scenarios provide a great forum for discussion. The chapter on challenges to assessment got the students engaged in great debate where they shared some very interesting practice examples in order to relate theory to practice.