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Science Formative Assessment, Volume 2

Science Formative Assessment, Volume 2
50 More Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning

A Joint Publication With the National Science Teachers Association

Other Titles in:
Formative Assessment | Science

December 2014 | 256 pages | Corwin
This book shows readers how to use assessment to inform instruction and learning in the science classroom. In the bestselling first volume, Page Keeley shared 75 techniques that help K-12 science teachers determine students' understanding of key concepts and design learning opportunities that will deepend students' mastery of content and standards. Volume 2 will present 50 new strategies linked to the Next Generation Science Standards. These flexible assessments can be used with any science curriculum.

The assessments include:

- a description of how each technique promotes student learning

- considerations for design and implementation, such as required materials, timing, modeling the technique, and grouping students

- modifications for different types of students or purposes

- caveats for using each technique

- ways the techniques can be used in other content areas

About the Author
Chapter 1. An Introduction to 50 More Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs)
Classroom Snapshot of Formative Assessment in Practice

Why 50 More FACTs?

Elicitation FACTs

Supporting Productive Science Talk

Next Steps

Chapter 2. Formative Assessment and Standards
FACTs and Core Disciplinary Content

FACTs and Scientific and Engineering Practices

Chapter 3. Get the FACTs! Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques
1. Always, Sometimes, or Never

2. B-D-A (Before–During–After) Drawings

3. C-E-O-SE (Commit–Explain–Observe or Obtain Additional Information–Scientific Explanation)

4. Claim Cards

5. Comments Only

6. Comparison Overlap Probes

7. Concept Attainment Cards

8. Concept Mix-Up Probes

9. Confidence Level Assessment (CLA)

10. Cross-Cutter Cards

11. CSI (Color–Symbol–Image)

12. Diagnostic Collectons

13. Enhanced Multiple Choice

14. Every Graph Tells a Story

15. Everyday Mystery Stories

16. Example, Non-Example

17. Extended Sticky Bars

18. Eye Contact Partners

19. Feed Up, Feedback, and Feed Forward

20. Fingers Under Chin

21. Four Corners Jigsaw

22. Gallery Walk

23. Group Frayer Model

24. Group Talk Feedback

25. Homework Card Sort

26. Hot Seat Questioning

27. I Think–I Rethink

28. Learning Intentions

29. Let's Keep Thinking

30. Lines of Agreement

31. Magnetic Statements

32. Matching Cards

33. More A–More B Probes

34. Opposing Claims Probes

35. Picture This

36. Plus–Delta

37. PMI (Plus–Minus–Interesting)

38. Ranking Tasks

39. RAQ (Revise, Add, Question) Feedback

40. Reflective Toss

41. Slide Sort

42. Success Indicators

43. Talk Moves

44. TAR (Target, Analogy, Reflection)

45. Thumbs Up, Down, Sideways

46. Traffic Light Sliders

47. Vernacular Probes

48. VDR (Vote, Discuss, Revote)

49. What Did I Learn Today?

50. Word Sort

Appendix: Annotated Resources for Science Formative Assessment

"In the spirit of the first FACTS book, Volume 2 continues to build on a repository of effective strategies for assessment - as, of and for - learning. Keeley has done a great service to educators by compiling these strategies into an easy to access resource, providing the necessary background and helping to move these strategies into the “Next Generation” of science instruction."

Craig T. Gabler, Regional Science Coordinator
Capital Region ESD113, Tumwater, WA

"Teachers everywhere are spending a lot of time and energy looking for ways to increase student achievement. Well, the answer is not a big secret, nor is it expensive. Fortunately, Page Keely has an answer. Improved performance lies in using formative assessments as an integral aspect of a lesson. In this book Keely shows how 50 formative assessments, in the form of FACTs, can lead to greater student success in science."

Douglas Llewellyn
St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY

"The Next Generation Science Standards provide a wide open opportunity for engagement with students and science.  We are in a time of assessing for learning rather than assessment of learning.  Page Keeley has provided 50 new ideas that educators at all grade levels can use to find out what their students understand and how that learning is progressing throughout instruction.  It is easy to use and implement in your classroom. Science Assessment Volume 2 is a treasure trove of ideas that tie learning, instruction, and assessment together.  It is a timely resource at the right time!"

James T. McDonald, Professor of Science Education
Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI

"This book is paramount to how students learn, question, and critically think about the real world.  Page Keely’s Science Formative Assessment- Volume 2: 50 More Strategies Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning invites teachers to purposefully engage in the complex practices of crafting authentic student discourse in fun and energetic ways.  Teachers will absolutely rave about the new probes in Mrs. Page’s insightful book!"

Karen Dupre Jacobs, Secondary Science Coordinator
Alief Independent School District

"Differentiating instruction in science is a key pedagogical skill for teachers.  Page Keely makes it seem-less for teachers in Science Formative Assessment- Volume 2: 50 More Strategies Linking Assessment.  By addressing misconceptions head-on, teachers will be able to assess commonplace misconceptions and help move their students toward making a conceptual shift in scientific thought."

Gelyn Cornell, Elementary Science Coordinator
Alief Independent School District

"Science teachers can transform their classrooms into collaborative, positive learning environments through probes highlighted in Page Keeley’s Science Formative Assessment- Volume 2: 50 More Strategies Linking Assessment.  Teachers are provided strategies and probes that are designed to have their students discuss their ideas collaboratively with each other in groups, carefully listen to the ideas of their peers, modify their thinking based upon reasoning, claims, and evidence- all part of the scientific process!  This informs teachers’ future instruction and builds students’ confidence and collegiality along the way."

Denia Puerto-Rivera, District Science Interventionist
Alief Independent School District

"The probes and strategies utilized in Page Keeley’s book Science Formative Assessment- Volume 2: 50 More Strategies Linking Assessment serve as a springboard for scientific authenticity and promote inquiry in the classroom.  They serve as a great foundation for checking for student understanding and guide thinking through argumentation, writing, reasoning, drawing, and discourse. As teachers of student-scientists, our job is to prepare the next generation of innovators."

Monica Ibanez, District Science Interventionist
Alief Independent School District

"If you are a fan of Page and have her first book, volume 2 is a powerful addition to your library of formative assessment tools. If you are new to Page, you can't lose by owning both books. These 50 strategies range from quick "on the fly" techniques to thought-probing activities that link to Page's 'Uncovering Student Ideas' series."

David Vernot, Curriculum Consultant
Butler County Educational Service Center, Hamilton, Ohio

“As a professional development provider, I am always looking for materials that translate abstract theory into concrete practice.  Keeley has hit a 'home run'!  This book provides extensive examples of strategies that teachers can immediately implement to inform teaching and promote learning.”

Joyce Tugel, Science Specialist
Maine Mathematics & Science Alliance, Augusta, ME

"Science Formative Assessment, Volume 2 contains a wealth of tools that encourage students to engage in practices such as scientific argumentation and discourse.  By emphasizing the alignment of the FACT with Science and Engineering Practices, Keeley provides multiple ways for teachers to monitor more than the disciplinary core ideas being taught."

Susan German, Science Teacher
Hallsville R-IV School District

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781452270258