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Actor-Network Theory has been hugely influential across the social sciences and far beyond, and this volume serves as an ideal overview of both its core themes and its many developments and uses. Richie Nimmo has done an admirable job in compiling an excellent mix of classic statements, extended elaborations, critical commentaries, and empirical application.
For anyone interested in exploring the promise of Actor-Network Theory whether that be theoretical, methodological or political - Actor-Network Theory Research is an essential resource.
Interest in the ideas and practices of Actor Network Theory has exploded across the social sciences in the last few years, often so rapidly that it has been difficult for non-specialists to keep up with all of the new applications of ANT thinking. This collection solves in one stroke such problems of keeping up to date with the diversification of ANT. Mapping out a very diverse terrain with admirable clarity and skill, the collection brings together in one place both major writings by ANT's founders and also applications of ANT ideas to a dazzling range of empirical areas.
How can I begin to praise a collection for being timely, rich and what have you, if it holds texts that I happened to (co-)author? This is a conundrum for the present book: those who might most readily write blurbs to flag up its wonders, are contained within it. Readers will therefore have to assess the value of this book for themselves. Good luck with that - and enjoy it in every way you can.
By giving access to original works instead of proposing a too sketchy or subjective presentation, this book will provide a very helpful introduction to what has been called actor-network theory or the sociology of translation. A recommended reading for anyone, student, teacher, researcher or curious people, who wants to know more about this now pervasive approach in social sciences.