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Sage Journals hosts Sage’s prestigious and highly cited journals and represents one of the largest lists in the social sciences as well as an extensive STM offering. The platform allows subscribing institutions to access individual Sage journal titles and their related backfiles, and provides users with dramatically enhanced features and functionality, including all account administrative areas now managed through one interface, timelier usage reports as well as the ability to be alerted when reports ready are now available, clear, intuitive site designs based on deep understanding of user needs, and a seamless multi-device experience with responsive design.
Ordering Instructions
For all subscription orders where the customer’s end user address is in the USA, Canada, Central and South America including the Caribbean, please send orders and payment to:
Sage Publications Inc Phone +1 805 499 9774
PO Box 730082 Fax +1 805 499 0871
Dallas, TX 75373-0082, USA Email
All payments to be made in USD ($)
For all subscription orders where the customer’s end user address is in the UK, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australasia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, The Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka, please send orders and payment to:
Sage Publications Ltd Phone +44 (0)20 7324 8701
1 Oliver’s Yard Fax +44 (0)20 7324 8733
55 City Road Email
London, EC1Y 1SP, UK Website
All payments to be made in GBP (£)
For all subscription orders where the customer’s end user address is in Asia (excluding India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, The Maldives, Nepal or Sri Lanka), please send orders and payment to:
Sage Publications Ltd Phone +44 (0)20 7324 8500
1 Oliver’s Yard Fax +44 (0)20 7324 8733
55 City Road Email
London, EC1Y 1SP, UK Website
All payments to be made in USD ($)
For all subscription orders where the customer’s end user address is in India, please send orders and payment to:
Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd Phone + 91 11 4053 9222
B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Fax +91 11 4053 9234
Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044, India Email
Please contact Sage India (at the above address) for subscription prices.
All payments to be made in INR (Rs)
Sage’s 2025 Subscription Agents' Price List includes GBP and USD prices for all journals published by Sage (including Corwin Press).
Sage offers institutional subscribers five subscription options, outlined below.
Subscription Options
E.g. For orders placed for the 2024 issues, access will be available to content in 2024 and 2025. When renewed for 2026, access will be available to 2025 and 2026 but no longer to 2024. Please note there is no charge for this temporary e-access and as a result there is no change in how VAT is calculated for print only customers.
Backfile Purchase
Deep Backfile for Sage journals is available for purchase title-by-title.
The complete backfile of Sage journals is also available for lease or purchase. Please email for a quotation.
Backfile Access
Customers maintain perpetual access to all purchased content. Sage began offering online subscriptions in 1999. Therefore, customers who have purchased volumes (which included an online component) in 1999 through 2025 retain perpetual online access to those volumes. Sage retains the right to provide customers with the purchased online content in a digital medium for local hosting in the future.
Combined and E-access subscriptions include temporary access to the journals backfile from the 1999 issues onwards (where available). A paid subscription order for 2025 provides perpetual access to the purchased content (the volume published in 2025) and temporary access to the back volumes published in 1999 – 2024 (where available). The temporary access to the 1999 – 2024 volumes will continue as long as the customer maintains a current paid Combined or E-access subscription.
Print Only subscriptions include complimentary temporary E-access to issues within the current order and the previous 12 months. For orders placed for the 2025 issues, access will be available to content in 2024 and 2025. When renewed for 2026, access will be available to 2025 and 2026 but no longer to 2024. Access is available as long as the customer maintains a current paid Print Only subscription.
We have digitized back issues and are pleased to be able to offer access to the deep backfile of our journals (where available) back to Volume One. Customers can lease individual backfiles by subscribing at the Combined Plus Backfile or E-Access Plus Backfile subscription rate. This rate includes an additional fee to lease the backfile back to Volume One. Alternatively, customers are able to purchase the individual backfile in return for a one-off price and a small annual hosting fee, to cover costs associated with hosting the content at Sage Journals
Customers wishing to lease or purchase the entire Sage backfile should email for a quotation.
Institutions wishing to provide access to their subscriptions to additional locations other than their main site* will need a multisite subscription and licence. Multisite subscription prices are calculated according to the total number of sites in addition to the main site.
*A site is defined as a single geographic location such as a campus or a corporate office.
Entering Your Order
When placing your order you must supply the product code combined with the twodigit price category code:
This means the code submitted for a combined subscription to Angiology is J569– CMB01.
All agents’ prices include a 3% discount on the list price. No promotional discounts apply.
The Sage office to which you send orders and queries (and the currency in which you pay) is determined exclusively by your customer’s end-user address (see page 2). Sage India produces a separate price list for subscribers in its territory (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, The Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka).
These rates apply to all subscriptions placed on or after 1 September 2024, regardless of volume and issue. Prices are subject to change without notice. 2025 prices will take effect on 1 September 2024.
Account Activation for Online Access
Online account activation is only required once for each Sage account number by first time users setting up their account. Renewal orders or new subscriptions on activated accounts DO NOT require additional set up or activation. Please use the following instructions based on the type of user you are:
Returning Users
Please login at with your e-mail address to perform all of the available functions. If you have forgotten your password, please reset it at and follow the instructions.
New Users
On your first visit, please go to tto set a password for yourself. Here you will also enter the email associated with your new account (which was provided to Sage when your order was placed).
Once signed in, you can manage your account by clicking your name and then Account Details in the top right corner or by selecting My Account from the My Tools menu at top of the page. If you need assistance with any of the above steps, please contact our Online Technical Support Team at Customers are able to view their IP ranges in their Administrator Account. If any changes to these are required, they should contact the dedicated Sage IP updates team at If a customer requires access via public username and password, they should get in touch with our Online Technical Support Team at
In addition to the Sage Journals platform, Sage journals are also available through the following online access intermediaries: EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service and OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online. Sage makes no additional charge (beyond the subscription costs) for access via intermediaries; however, the intermediaries may charge for the use of their service. Sage Journals supports both Athens and Shibboleth federated access authentication.
For any queries regarding online access, please contact
Terms and conditions of our site license and further details may be found on our
website at
New Journals and Frequency Changes
Listed within the price list document are the journals new to Sage, the journals changing frequency or converting to OA and the journals leaving Sage or ceasing publication. This list is also kept up to date online at
Standard Discount
Sage’s standard discount offered to agents will remain at 3%..
Deep Discount (DDP) Rates
Customers are eligible to receive a print subscription at the DDP rate if they have a current subscription to a Sage online-only package containing the relevant journal. DDP rates are shown in the Price List. This rate is a 75% discount off the combined rate which is the list price for the journal.
Discounted Rates
Sage offers reduced rates to specific categories of institutions and countries. Details of these and the discount given are detailed in Special Rate columns and the Notes column in the Price List. To ensure your order is processed at the discounted rate, please ensure the correct price category is submitted.
Discounted Rates for Hybrid Journals
Although the current level of Gold Hybrid Open Access articles within Sage journals is very low, we share the concerns of customers paying twice for Open Access content 7 via article charges and subscription costs: so called double dipping. As a result Sage discounts the subscription price of all hybrid journals where more than 5% of content is published Gold OA.
In 2025 seventeen journals benefitted from a reduction in subscription price.
See for further information.
Print Only
Please note the following recent changes to how we are charging customers for VAT on print journals subscriptions.
All listed prices are exclusive of VAT (includes GST/Sales Tax).
Any applicable VAT will be included on the tax invoice.
If applicable, please provide your valid VAT/GST/Sales Tax number when placing an order to ensure accurate tax treatment.
Electronic Only
Please note the following recent changes to how we are charging customers for VAT on electronic journals subscriptions.
All listed prices are exclusive of VAT (includes GST/Sales Tax).
Any applicable VAT will be included on the tax invoice.
If applicable, please provide your valid VAT/GST/Sales Tax number when placing an order to ensure accurate tax treatment.
Please note that print and electronic components of combined products are assessed separately for VAT:
Recent changes noted above will apply to combined subscriptions based the apportionment across print and electronic as detailed above.
If applicable, please provide your valid VAT/GST/Sales Tax number when placing an order to ensure accurate tax treatment.
All prices are subject to appropriate Sales and Use Taxes based upon the location of customers.
Back Volumes
Back issues in print for the last two years only (2024 and 2025) are available at the single-issue price from the relevant Sage office. Back volumes are charged at current (2025) subscription rates.
Earlier back issues of many Sage titles are now available from Curran Associates, Inc. through this website:
Multiple Year Subscriptions
Multi-year subscriptions are available at the current one-year rate multiplied by the number of volumes purchased. Where the frequency increases in 2025 or beyond, the multi-year rate will be calculated pro rata.
Sample Copies
For most of our journals, a sample issue may be viewed free of charge at Sage Journals ( Simply navigate to the journal page of interest and click the Sample Issue link.
Consolidation Orders
We accept consolidated orders, as long as the name and address of the customer (complete end-user address) is provided at the time the order is placed.
Delivery Method
All subscription prices include air-speeded delivery.
A replacement issue will only be sent if the claim is received by us within six months of the date of publication. The approval of your claim is subject to a maximum of 2 replacement copies.
Cancellations/Changes to Subscription Options
Cancellations and changes to subscription options are only accepted prior to the fulfilment of the first issue in the subscription. Cancellations for part volumes/years cannot be accepted.
For Sales team contacts and for full details of Sage’s offerings for library consortia, please visit
If you have questions regarding Sage’s ordering instructions or policies please contact the relevant Sage Customer Services Department or visit our customer knowledge base on the Sage website: