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SAGE journal Research & Politics and Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) receive prestigious Carnegie grant to support research
London, UK. SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers, has today announced that Research & Politics, a peer reviewed, gold open-access journal, will be supported for two years through the prestigious Carnegie grant, enabling the journal to continue to waive open access Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD), along with the Mortara Center for International Studies, received a nearly $840,000 grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York under its “Bridging the Gap” initiative. This initiative aims to individually and collectively improve the transfer of research and expertise between higher education and the policy world. Research & Politics was selected to be a recipient of part of the fund to further enhance the journal’s contribution to improve interdisciplinary research and practice on global policy issues.
The grant comes into place for Research & Politics immediately, following the end of the charges currently covered by SAGE. The award amount wholly subsidizes the APC charges for authors for two years, through to the end of 2017.
Speaking of the grant, David Ross, Executive Publisher, Open Access, SAGE commented:
“Launched in 2013, Research & Politics is an innovative OA journal providing a vehicle for the rapid publication of short form communications in political science. Over our 50 year history, SAGE has been committed to exploring the most viable and effective publishing models for our academic community and partners. While OA supported by APCs has become established in highly funded fields, in disciplines where research funding is harder to come by, the business model for OA publishing is still being explored. SAGE has worked closely with our author community to better support OA publishing in political science and across HSS by making high quality, peer reviewed OA publishing a more accessible option for authors. This grant enables us to continue to do this and to support the journal in its next stage of development. We look forward to seeing the journal’s continued impact in the field of political science.”
Erik Voeten, Georgetown Professor and co-editor of the eminent political science blog The Monkey Cage, also a recipient of the grant, further commented:
“This grant offers an exciting opportunity to further bring research on foreign policy questions to the public, and provides additional support for early career academics in shaping the trajectory of policy-relevant academic work on global and diplomatic issues. We are delighted that both Research & Politics and The Monkey Cage, with their shared goal of expanding academic debate within the field, have been supported by this grant and we look forward to seeing the impact, beyond academia, that this funding will have on increasing both access to and engagement with key debates within the political sciences.”
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Research & Politics aims to advancing systematic peer-reviewed research in political science and related fields through the publication of the very best cutting-edge research and policy analysis. The journal provides a venue for scholars to communicate rapidly and succinctly important new insights to the broadest possible audience while maintaining the highest standards of quality control
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