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What are the main contexts of early childhood research? SAGE publishes The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Research
London, UK. In recent decades there has been an upsurge of research with and about young children, their families and communities. SAGE Publishing is today delighted to announce the publication of The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Research, providing an overview of the rapidly developing field of early childhood research.
The text, which includes 31 chapters provided by internationally recognized experts in early childhood research, also sets an agenda for the future of the discipline. Recognizing the main contexts of early childhood research: home and family contexts; out-of-home contexts such as services for young children and their families; and broader societal contexts of that evoke risk for young children, the team of international contributors apply their expertise to conceptual and methodological issues in research and to relevant fields of practice and policy.
Commenting on the handbook’s publication, the editors Ann Farrell, Sharon L Kagan and E. Kay M. Tisdall remarked:
“We are delighted to be publishing this handbook with SAGE, joining their long line of highly regarded handbooks used by students, practitioners and researchers around the world. We are confident that this handbook will become a valuable reference text for those who are engaged in the research of early childhood across the social sciences and beyond.”
More about the title can be found here.
A FREE 30-day online trial of SAGE Knowledge, including The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Research, is available by emailing
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