Risk & Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play
Learning from Forest Schools
- Sara Knight - Teacher and Forest School Leader
This book will give you the confidence to offer the children in your setting adventurous and challenging outdoor activities, as well as ways to utilise natural resources to their best advantage. There is clear, practical advice on what you need to do, which is underpinned by the theory that supports the benefits of this approach. Examples from settings are included, to illustrate best practice and to show how things can be achieved.
Issues considered include:
- being outside in 'bad' weather
- the importance of risk-taking
- the benefits of rough and tumble play
- observing and assessing children in this mode
- how these experiences improve children's learning
- explaining activities to parents, colleagues and managers
- ensuring health and safety requirements are met
- the role of the adult in facilitating these experiences.
Suitable for all students and practitioners working with young children from Birth to 8 , this book will not only give you ideas for outdoor play but also help you understand exactly what you are doing, why it is educationally sound and developmentally important for children, and where it connects with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England, the Foundation Phase (FP) in Wales and the Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland.
Sara Knight is an experienced early years educator and Senior Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University. She is a trained Forest School practitioner and author of Forest Schools and Outdoor Learning in the Early Years.
A well written text for both students and experienced practitioners.
Useful book for 3year undergraduate early years students
Very well written book by the author Sara Knight. The information provided within this book is essential and is useful in supporting outdoor learning for children with some good examples. very clear.
Another strong look at the benefits of exposing young people to elements of risk. A well written book well worth a read.
Excellent book suited for level 3 learners that discusses risk in the outdoor play enviroment.
This is an inspiration book giving practical ideas informed by real experiences. Clearly outlines the value of risk and adventure, offers lots of ideas, many with photographs. I think that this will be a great resource for students and practitioners.
An exceptionally clearly written and well-structured text, obviously written by an expert in the field of risk and outdoor play. Full to the brim with practical advice as well as offering the benefits of learning with risk factors. Particularly welcome the underpinning of theory that supports its use.
Helpful, practical book with activities to support learning
This is an excellent book, it will be used as supplementary reading on the module 'Child and young peoples Development in the social context' a module that I deliver on BSc Hons Child Health & Well-being
another useful and practical book. adds to the bigger picture of Forest Schools in the context of Risk and adventure.