The Foundations of Social Research
Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
This is an accessible book which addresses some complex issues with an ease and clarity of writing that students and researchers alike will appreciate. All researchers should be aware of the theories underpinning their chosen methods and methodology, and this book creates a conversation of how these have come about. Interesting and thought provoking, the text provides clear insights and considerations of the research process.
This book is an excellent text for postgraduate students. Particularly in exploring the key concepts of epistemology, ontology, methodology and methods.
What I like about the book is that it offers a general framework in the first chapter through which to study philosophical approaches to social sciene. However, the author does then not use framework consistently throughout the book, which I think is disappointing because it would really help students to understand the differences between the various approaches. Moreover, long sections of the book are simply too descriptive. Sometimes the author spends pages just summarising historical facts and the biographies of key philosophers. This is not challenging enough for MA students.
Crotty's book is well written and contains important ideas for beginning qualitative researchers. It is also highly regarded by many scholars evidenced by the fact that it is required reading for many University programs.
It is a great book for postgraduate students but not that useful for undergraduates that do not really have to engage into philosophical debates in their dissertation.
Well set out text book. Will also recommend to PQF research module programme