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131 Results Found for "100"


Using Sage Track’s Reviewer Locator

Reviewer Locator is Sage Track’s integrated reviewer recommender tool. Reviewer locator analyzes manuscript metadata and abstracts against papers indexed in the Web of Science to identify potential reviewers who have authored relevant research in the same field.

Index announces 2018 Freedom of Expression Awards winners

London, UK. A public art project and website celebrating dissent in Cuba and a collective of young bloggers and web activists who give voice to the opinions of young people from all over the Democratic Republic of Congo are among the winners of the 2018

Open Call for Papers

Looking to publish in a Special Issue for even more impact? Our website is regularly updated with the latest general and special issue call for papers across our Social Science, Humanities, Science, Technology, and Medicine journals. Make sure you read the relevant journal’s Aims & Scope and Manuscript Submission Guidelines before submitting and contact the journal’s editorial office with any queries about your article.




Selecting and Inviting Reviewers

Sourcing reviewers can be the most time-consuming part of an editor’s role. The following guidance aims to minimise the number of invites an editor must send for each manuscript and improve time to decision for our authors.

Click the link to navigate to information on:
