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131 Results Found for "100"


Report and dissertation writing

red line dividerDissertation or report writing can be daunting, but we're about to demystify that process. To take you all the way from planning to delivering a successful report or dissertation, we put together a collection of hands-on resources from our Study Skills books.

How to think critically

red line dividerCritical thinking: two words you'll tire of hearing during your time at university, but also a skill that will help you improve your grades, build strong arguments, think clearly and even spot the sneakiest of fake news on your social media feed. 

Integrate academic skills into your teaching: 10 practical tips

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We get it, sometimes it feels like there’s nowhere near enough time with your students, especially when you’re juggling supporting study skills alongside teaching another discipline. That's why we compiled some tangible, easily actionable advice and practical resources to help you boost your support right now, without adding much to your workload. 

CQ Researcher Report on Combat Journalism Wins 2014 Mirror Award

Los Angeles, CA - CQ Researchercontributing writer Frank Greve was honored yesterday with the 2014 John M. Higgins Award for Best In-Depth/Enterprise Reporting on the media industry, presented by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

Publication of renowned American History archive completed

Sixty thousand primary source documents now available online from Adam Matthew Digital

Marlborough, UK, American History, 1493-1945 is now complete - providing teachers and researchers with access to thousands of exceptionally high-quality digital primary source documents from the renowned Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, New York - one of the most important archives on American history in existence.

Services insufficient in supporting those affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

London, UK. There is an urgent need to do more to recognize prenatal alcohol exposure at an early stage and to integrate better pathways for diagnosis, assessment and support, finds a special issue of the SAGE journal Adoption & Fostering. The issue highlights the importance of raising awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) as there are unclear protocols and guidelines in place to adequately support those directly affected.
