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611 Results Found for "Education"


SAGE Video grows with new collections in Sociology and Criminology & Criminal Justice

Los Angeles, CA. SAGE Publishing today announces that it has expanded SAGE Video, its highly reviewed library of streaming videos across the social sciences, to include two new collections: Sociology and Criminology & Criminal Justice. Hosted on SAGE Knowledge platform and designed to enhance research, teaching, and learning at all levels, the new collections contain 115 hours+ of streaming video content each, more than 65% of which is exclusive to SAGE.

Pacific Standard magazine now published by The Social Justice Foundation

Pacific Standard magazine will now be published by The Social Justice Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission of informing and educating the public with content based on scientific research, supported by SAGE Publishing.

The magazine has also just completed its expansion from publishing six to eight print issues per year and transitioned to the Say Media platform for its digital version. Pacific Standard now reaches more than 1 million readers a month in print and online.

SAGE Books Catalogues

These catalogues are compiled primarily for the use of our international agents and bookseller partners, and their content will reflect titles with international appeal. Each catalogue contains a selection of forthcoming titles, as well as bestsellers. Excel listings for the titles within the catalogues are also accessible here.

Maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing

In this page, we share free resources on mental health and wellbeing to support the education community as we navigate this difficult time together. Whether you are studying at home, teaching remotely, facilitating home schooling or leading and managing your staff, we hope it offers some useful support in ensuring you look after yourself as well as those within your care or responsibility in the weeks ahead.

Hispanic women who identify as White are healthier than those who don’t

Hispanic women who identify as Black or another race have worse functional health than their counterparts who identify as White, according to new research. Out today, this research is part of a new special issue of Research on Aging (ROA, a journal from SAGE Publishing) focused on aging and health among Hispanic populations in the United States and in Latin America.


The environment at Sage is personal and inviting. Placing a high value on the relationship with our authors, we work diligently to form strong publishing partnerships.

SAGE Research Methods Datasets launched to teach research methods through practice

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Research Methods Datasets, a new resource that supports the teaching and independent learning of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods used in the social sciences. Using real-world data from around the world accompanied by step-by-step instructions, this resource teaches statistical and analytical techniques used in Business, Education, Health, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, among other disciplines.
