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611 Results Found for "Education"


Sage Handbooks: The Latest Releases

SAGE Handbooks are edited collections of specially commissioned chapters that are intended to be reviews, accounts or audits of a discipline or sub-discipline. Each Handbook chapter has breadth, depth, and multiplicity as well as illuminating a theme and identifying  key questions within the discipline.

Browse our latest Handbook publications and forthcoming titles, and enjoy savings when you purchase multi-volume Handbooks pre-publication!

Business & Management Studies

SAGE Publishing’s premier broad-spectrum HSS OA journal celebrates strong growth on its five-year anniversary

SAGE Publishing is delighted to report that its pioneering broad-spectrum open access journal SAGE Open is marking its fifth anniversary with more than 1,350 published articles that together have been viewed or downloaded more than 3.5 million times. Spanning the humanities and social and behavioral sciences, SAGE Open is a peer-reviewed “gold” OA journal publishing original research and review articles.

Nominations open for the 2017 SAGE-CASBS Award

The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University and SAGE Publishing now are accepting nominations for the 2017 SAGE-CASBS Award.

Established in 2013, the SAGE-CASBS Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the behavioral and social sciences that advance our understanding of pressing social issues. It underscores the role of the social and behavioral sciences in enriching and enhancing public policy and good governance.

SAGE Publishing supports spinal disorder research in new partnership with AOSpine

SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce a new partnership with AOSpine to publish Global Spine Journal (GSJ). Founded in 2012, the journal promotes communication among spine surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and neurosurgeons across the globe by providing an integrated and balanced view of clinical and basic science studies of spinal disorders.
