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498 Results Found for "Educational Research"


Redefining the assumptions of research with the newly published SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism

London, UK. In the digital age, Journalism research faces important challenges to capture, examine, and understand the current news environment. Responding to these changes, SAGE Publishing today announces the publication of The SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism, which begins by addressing the pressing need for a thorough and bold debate to redefine the assumptions of research within journalism studies.

SAGE supports access to information in Cambodia

SAGE announces new agreement with Cam-eIFL supporting global access to electronic resources

London - SAGE today was delighted to announce an extended partnership with the eIFL Foundation scheme. The extended agreement offers access to SAGE Journals (SJ) online and SAGE Research Methods (SRM) to all 18 members of the foundations branch in Cambodia, Cam-eIFL.

SAGE to begin publishing Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility

London, UK- Leading academic publisher SAGE today announces that it is to begin publishing Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility as of October 2015. An open access (OA), peer-reviewed, online only publication, the journal is to publish articles on in vitro fertilization (IVF), assisted reproductive technology, reproductive biology, gamete biology, stem cell technology, and areas of reproductive medicine relevant to IVF.

SAGE Publishing announces collaboration with the South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS)

London, UKSAGE Publishing, a leading independent and academic publisher, is delighted to announce collaboration with the South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS) to support its Doctoral Training programme (DTP) as awarded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). SeNSS is a consortium formed of 10 leading UK universities, all of which are engaged in cutting-edge social science research and training.

Katie Metzler, Head of Methods Innovation, SAGE Publishing commented:

SAGE begins publishing Journal of Endovascular Therapy

Los Angeles, CA (February 27, 2015) SAGE today announces that it has begun publishing the Journal of Endovascular Therapy, a multidisciplinary journal covering all topics related to minimally invasive peripheral vascular diagnosis and treatment and the official publication of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists (ISES).
