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498 Results Found for "Educational Research"


Jacob Klerman Named New Editor of Evaluation Review

Los Angeles, CA - Abt Principal Associate and Senior Fellow Jacob Klerman has been named Editor of Evaluation Review (A SAGE Journal)The journal serves as an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, planners, and policymakers who develop, implement, and utilize studies designed to improve the human condition.

SAGE opposes the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806)

Los Angeles, CA. SAGE joins leading scientific associations and American universities in opposing the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806). H.R.1806 challenges the value of the social and behavioral science research and restricts the proven processes of the experts at the National Science Foundation. SAGE opposes this legislation in its current form and urges members of Congress to vote no on H.R. 1806.

SAGE Publishing acquires journal portfolio from prominent humanities and social science publisher, IP Publishing

London, UK. – SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers today announced the purchase of the full journal portfolio of academic journals publisher, IP Publishing Ltd.

IP Publishing Ltd is an independent company specializing in the publication of referred academic and professional journals within the humanities and social sciences. As of April 1st SAGE will be publishing the following five titles:

Adam Matthew signs ground-breaking agreement to include two digital collections in new Egyptian Knowledge Bank

Landmark contract with the Specialized Presidential Council for Education and Scientific Research, Egypt provides access for all citizens of the Republic of Egypt

(Marlborough, UK) Adam Matthew, award-winning UK publisher of digital primary source collections, has signed a multi-year agreement with the Egyptian government to provide access to two digital primary source collections via the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) project.

SAGE begins publishing the Food and Nutrition Bulletin

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces that it will begin publishing the Food and Nutrition Bulletin, one of the leading resources used by researchers, academics, nutrition policy makers and planners in over 125 countries to obtain the most current research and policy information related to nutrition in developing countries.. Food and Nutrition Bulletin is the official publication of the Nevin Scrimshaw International Nutrition Foundation and is an established resource for educators, researchers and policy influencers world-wide.

The Journal of Comorbidity to be published by SAGE Publishing

SAGE Publishing can announce today that it is to begin publishing The Journal of Comorbidity (JOC). The first SAGE issue of the open access journal will publish in July 2018.

JOC is dedicated to studies that will improve the health and wellbeing of those affected with comorbidity and multimorbidity. The journal is a global information resource that focuses on different aspects of medicine in order to publish the optimum research for dealing with comorbidity and multimorbidity.

Dr. Christine Drennon announced as the 2014 winner of the UAA-SAGE Activist Scholar Award

Drennon to give a plenary lecture at the 2014 Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) are delighted to announce that Dr. Christine Drennon, Director of the Urban Studies Program at Trinity University, is the 2014 winner of the UAA-SAGE Marilyn Gittell Activist Scholar Award. Dr. Drennon will be honored at the 2014 UAA Annual Conference held in San Antonio, Texas March 19-22, 2014.
