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498 Results Found for "Educational Research"


Understand how action works in the practice of research with SAGE Reference's The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research

Los Angeles - What’s the best way to get people or organizations to act? Can the action be measured? How do you start? The term action research is used to describe the approaches that integrate the research theories with the action itself. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, new from SAGE Reference,explores the entire field, starting with the roots of the methodologies from the 1940s, then all the way to the current, cutting-edge research.

SAGE launches interactive, adaptive courseware for research methods

Educational Research Methods, powered by Acrobatiq, a learning optimization company from Carnegie Mellon University

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE is delighted to announce the launch of Educational Research Methods, powered by Acrobatiq. Designed for undergraduate and graduate students, the courseware provides students with a thorough understanding of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods as well as action research.

SAGE Launches Comprehensive Research Methods Reference Resource

SAGE Publishing today launches SAGE Research Methods Foundations, an online reference resource on all aspects of research methods and the research process for the social sciences. The resource contains hundreds of entries written by an international roster of methods experts, such as psychologist Paul Stenner and sociologist Guillermina Jasso, each between 500 and 10,000 words.

The entries provide in-depth introductions to:

New SAGE Research Methods Video collection teaches essential research skills and accelerates professional development

SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce the launch of a new collection of streaming videos hosted on the SAGE Research Methods (SRM) platform, Practical Research and Academic Skills. Building upon SAGE’s extensive history of methods publishing across the wide range of the social and behavioral sciences, the videos teach the foundational skills needed to conduct research at any level and to succeed in academic life.

Researchers recommend features of classroom design to maximize student achievement

Los Angeles, CA - With so much attention to curriculum and teaching skills to improve student achievement, it may come as a surprise that something as simple as how a classroom looks could actually make a difference in how students learn. A new analysis finds that the design and aesthetics of school buildings and classrooms has surprising power to impact student learning and success. The paper is published today in the inaugural issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS).

Researchers recommend features of classroom design to maximize student achievement

Los Angeles, CA - With so much attention to curriculum and teaching skills to improve student achievement, it may come as a surprise that something as simple as how a classroom looks could actually make a difference in how students learn. A new analysis finds that the design and aesthetics of school buildings and classrooms has surprising power to impact student learning and success. The paper is published today in the inaugural issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS).

SAGE Publishing partners with the Transportation Research Board to publish Transportation Research Record

SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce that it has begun to publish the Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board in partnership with the Transportation Research Board, a program unit of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

TRR presents the latest research findings in policy, planning, administration, economics and financing, operations, construction, design, maintenance, safety, and more, for all modes of transportation. It publishes nearly 70 issues annually.
