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498 Results Found for "Educational Research"


Educated Black men remembered as "Whiter" perpetuating stereotypes about race and intelligence

Los Angeles, CA - A new study out today in SAGE Open finds that instead of breaking stereotypes, intellectually successful Black individuals may be susceptible to being remembered as “Whiter” and therefore ‘exceptions to their race,’ perpetuating cultural beliefs about race and intelligence. This new study shows that a Black man who is associated with being educated is remembered as being lighter in skin tone than he actually is, a phenomenon the study authors refer to as “skin tone memory bias.”

SAGE Publishing text, Understanding Narrative Inquiry, receives Outstanding Publication Award

SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce that Understanding Narrative Inquiry: The Crafting and Analysis of Stories as Research, by Dr. Jeong-Hee Kim, has received the Outstanding Publication Award from the Narrative Research Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The award honors research-based texts dedicated to advancing the educational process through research or scholarly inquiry.

SAGE and SOPHE launch Pedagogy in Health Promotion

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) announce today the launch of a new journal, Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (PHP). PHP will publish its first issue in 2015.

How is communication research evolving in the digital age?

How do technologies such as social media, blogging, and texting affect the way communication and media research is conducted? Launching as a four-volume set, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods covers a range of theories and methodologies used in communication research as well as trends influencing the future of the field.

SAGE Publishing launches MentorSpace, a how-to hub for research methods

SAGE Publishing announces the launch of MentorSpace, a new free-to-access online community space that allows users to tap into the wisdom of those who have executed a specific aspect of the research process and want to share their knowledge with others. The site is a place for users to connect, share insights, learn from their colleagues, and broaden their professional networks.
