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498 Results Found for "Educational Research"


Reference Books

SAGE Knowledge hosts thousands of carefully selected titles by world-class authors on hot topics across the social sciences. It includes academic and supplementary titles that contribute to the knowledge base of students and researchers, foundational books in core areas of research and debate, accessible student reference, and numerous practical professional titles in education.

The Conversation in the UK celebrates its first year

Independent news analysis and commentary site The Conversation celebrates its first birthday in the UK today and also welcomes Alice Roberts, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, as a Patron.

The Conversation was launched in the UK on 16 May 2013 as a collaboration between professional editors and academics. It provides the public with rolling coverage of news and access to new information about cutting-edge research as it becomes available.

SAGE Publishing releases encyclopedia in the advancing field of intellectual and developmental disabilities

How can advances in genetics, brain imaging, treatments, and assessment reduce the stigma associated with intellectual and developmental disorders? How does this research further our understanding of these disorders, giving rise to possible treatment and policy options? SAGE Publishing announces the release of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders to investigate these issues and more.

From the Heart of Dixie (Alabama) to the Equality State (Wyoming), how does your state rank among the rest? State Rankings 2015: A Statistical View of America

Washington, DC Which state ranks first in per-capita personal income? Which one has the highest crime rate? Which state has the highest percentage of its population graduated from high school? Finding answers to questions like these can take a lot of research and time—unless the researcher has access to the new State Rankings 2015: A Statistical View of America, published annually by CQ Press.

SAGE Publishing’s premier broad-spectrum HSS OA journal celebrates strong growth on its five-year anniversary

SAGE Publishing is delighted to report that its pioneering broad-spectrum open access journal SAGE Open is marking its fifth anniversary with more than 1,350 published articles that together have been viewed or downloaded more than 3.5 million times. Spanning the humanities and social and behavioral sciences, SAGE Open is a peer-reviewed “gold” OA journal publishing original research and review articles.

Can (and should) happiness be a policy goal?

Los Angeles, CA - How does an individual’s happiness level reflect societal conditions?  A new article out today in the first issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS) finds that similar to how GDP measures the effectiveness of economic policies, happiness can and should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of social policies.
