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498 Results Found for "Educational Research"


Health Services

SAGE is dedicated to developing textbooks that support students’ learning as well as lecturers’ teaching and are proud to publish key textbooks by leading figures in the field covering core topics such as health promotion, public health and research methods.

We also publish over 100 highly-read and cited journals (to support academics, students and researchers) in the health and nursing discipline, with titles such as Health Promotion Practice, Perspectives in Public Health, Global Health Promotion and Health Education Behaviour.

SAGE Books Catalogues

These catalogues are compiled primarily for the use of our international agents and bookseller partners, and their content will reflect titles with international appeal. Each catalogue contains a selection of forthcoming titles, as well as bestsellers. Excel listings for the titles within the catalogues are also accessible here.

Business & Management

As an independent publisher, SAGE Business & Management has been at the forefront of research and scholarship, marked by our influential, fast-growing textbooks programme and prominent portfolio of journals and reference materials.

From Leadership and Marketing, to Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies, our critical, thought-provoking books for undergraduates and postgraduates empower students to shape the future of business and contribute to building a thriving global society.

Business & Management

As an independent publisher, SAGE Business & Management has been at the forefront of research and scholarship, marked by our influential, fast-growing textbooks programme and prominent portfolio of journals and reference materials.

From Leadership and Marketing, to Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies, our critical, thought-provoking books for undergraduates and postgraduates empower students to shape the future of business and contribute to building a thriving global society.

How much does the government get involved with the sciences? Science and Politics: An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies

Washington, DC - From abortion and euthanasia to climate change, stem cell research, hydraulic fracturing, and medical marijuana, science has become increasingly politicized. This trend is deepened by the role government funding plays in scientific research and development. Exploring this uneasy alliance between two realms that, until recent times, had little to do with each other is the new Science and Politics: An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, published by CQ Press.

SAGE Publishing acquires four Rowman & Littlefield journals

SAGE Publishing, a leading independent publisher of journals, books and digital resources across a broad range of academic disciplines, has acquired four journals from Rowman & Littlefield. Beginning in 2019, SAGE will publish the Journal of School Leadership (JSL), the International Journal of Educational Reform (IJER), Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, and Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology.


The environment at Sage is personal and inviting. Placing a high value on the relationship with our authors, we work diligently to form strong publishing partnerships.
