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As the Editor of a Sage Publishing journal, you play a key role in the advancement of knowledge and understanding in your field. Sage, as the world’s leading independent academic publisher, is a values-driven organisation, focused on the selection, shaping, curation and dissemination of high quality research outputs; your work as Editor is obviously central to what we do. Our key philosophy is to ensure quality, transparency and integrity across our organization and in everything we publish. The publishing industry is an increasingly complex environment. Factors such as the pressure on researchers and academics to publish, gaps in training provided to early career researchers and differences in the understanding of what research integrity means can result in us sometimes having to deal with cases of misconduct in the peer review or publishing process. We want to ensure that you have the support and guidance you need to navigate any situations that may arise. Maintaining the reputation of our journals, and protecting the reputations of our Editors and publishing partners, is of the greatest importance to us.
We understand that different disciplines and fields of research may have different approaches to broad publishing issues, but we wanted to provide some information here on Sage's general publishing and ethical policies and what we consider to be best practice in publishing.
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Your Publishing Editor is responsible for managing your journal within Sage. If you are ever unsure about who to contact at Sage regarding a specific query, contact your Publishing Editor in the first instance. We believe journal publishing should be a partnership: between Sage, our Editors, and the Societies and Associations on whose behalf we publish. We would like to work collaboratively with you in order to make the most of your expertise in your field and our experience as publishers. Please raise any concerns or problems you encounter – especially those related to potential legal or ethical matters – at the earliest opportunity so that we can work to resolve them together.
It is of paramount importance that we at Sage, and you as Editor, comply with all relevant laws in the performance of services for our journals e.g. maintaining the privacy of personal and confidential data and complying with anti-SPAM legislation. We may occasionally communicate with you regarding new developments in legislation and regulations that may be applicable to your work on the journal. Please contact your Publishing Editor at any time with any questions you may have about compliance.