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Grounded Theory in Practice

Grounded Theory in Practice

April 1997 | 288 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Grounded theory methodology and procedure have become one of the most influential modes of carrying out qualitative research when generating theory is a principal aim of the researcher.

This volume presents a series of readings that emphasize different aspects of grounded theory methodology and methods. The selections are written by former students of the late Anselm Strauss and have been chosen for their accessibility and range.

Isabelle Baszanger
Deciphering Chronic Pain
Kathy Charmaz
Identity Dilemmas of Chronically Ill Men
Adele E Clarke
A Social Worlds Research Adventure
The Case of Reproductive Science

Joan H Fujimura
The Molecular Biological Bandwagon in Cancer Research
Where Social Worlds Meet

Krzysztof Konecki
Time in the Recruiting Search Process by Headhunting Companies
Lora Bex Lempert
The Line in the Sand
Definitional Dialogues in Abusive Relationships

Celia J Orona
Temporality and Identity Loss Due to Alzheimer's Disease
Susan Leigh Star and Geoffrey C Bowker
Of Lungs and Lungers
The Classified Story of Tuberculosis

Carolyn Wiener et al
Trajectories, Biographies, and the Evolving Medical Technology Scene
Labor and Delivery and the Intensive Care Nursery

Setsuo Mizuno
On Some Characteristics of Contemporary Japanese Society

Book is valuable as a researcher but would require far more curriculum development to adopt in our programme presently.

Dr Ronald Dyer
Marketing & Operations, Liverpool University
July 6, 2015

Does not provide the grounded theory framework. It is a collection of studies using grounded theory.

Ms Mary Thomas
General Education, Saint Mary'S Univ Of Minnesota
April 11, 2014

The book is not adopted for undergraduate students. However, it is recommended for postgraduate students writing their dissertation and choosing to work with grounded theory approach.

Dr Natalia Yakovleva
Winchester Business School, Winchester University
January 30, 2014

A good book for post graduate students undertaking qualitative research

Tracy Ross
Department of Health, Social Care, Glyndwr University
January 14, 2014

I use it myself and found it so detailed and well written in terms of understanding the content and quite challenging method.

Mrs Elvira Bolat
The Business School, Bournemouth University
October 21, 2013

Interesting book although very specialised in that it refers to other researcher's experiences of using grounded theory rather than the ins and outs of how to use it.

Mrs Jane Hibberd
Allied Health Professions, University of East Anglia
August 9, 2013

The book is based on advanced work on grounded theory. I therefore will recommend as supplemental reading for students

Mr Shakir Ullah
School of Management, Southampton University
September 8, 2011

Excellent reading to gain an in-depth perspective of Grounded Theory

Adam Raman
School of Marketing, Kingston University
August 18, 2011

This book is important for students who are undertaking an empirical approach to research by employing grounded theory methodology and methods to gathering and analysing field data for research projects. Grounded theory in practice presented several case studies within each chapter which students reported as being useful for understanding how to apply grounded theory within real world social contexts. The book is full of examples of good practice written in assessable language for researchers who are new to grounded theory and qualitative research, as well as presenting useful guidance for more experienced social researchers undertaking qualitative studies. This text is essential reading for those who wish to undertake a qualitative approach to research through grounded theory methodology and methods.

Mr Gary McKenna
School of Computing, University of the West of Scotland
June 12, 2011

For instructors

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ISBN: 9780761907480