The Foundations of Social Research
Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
An excellent book for doctoral level candidates. It covers the essentials in a straightforward, pragmatic way but at a suitable level for these candidates and as such is preferable to other texts designed for UG and PG business and management students.
This is an essential key text for the research module at level 6 & 7
What a brilliant book! The chapter on epistemological positions is brilliant, well written and clear as a bell. I think this book would be ideal for undergraduates and academics alike.
This book is essential reading for students undertaking the Doctor of Business Administration. It provides an excellent overview of research philosophy which, in turn, allows students to reflect on their study and more effectively plan their thesis.
A useful book giving a real contextual placement of research in social and human environments and systems.
Crotty provides an excellent, clear and comprehensive introduction to issues of methodology and epistemology. His clear framework helps students to organize their thinking in this complex field.
I adopted this book as a secondary text to provide background and depth to a doctoral level course. It is an excellent accompaniment to a more practical, applied book in methods course which covers both theory and skill building.
This is an excellent book; however, the level is too advanced for the students on our BA study programme. I would recommend this highly for post-graduate researchers.
This is a good book for postgraduate students wishing to engage in the philosophical debates in social sciences. While it can help unpin the theoretical complexities of research, undergraduates might struggle to grasp the contents in this book.
Still one of the best books available on research philosophies.