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122 Results Found for "Early Years"


Being an early years course student

Whether it's debating the varying perspectives on "childhood" or developing one's critical thinking skills, being an early years student can sometimes be overwhelming. We spoke to Caitlin, an undergraduate at the University of Worcester, to learn more about the challenges and highlights of studying early childhood. 

How do we set up children for lasting school success? A new three-volume encyclopedia from SAGE Publishing covers the study and practice of educating young learners

Early educational experiences can shape children’s learning, behavior, and relationship skills. How do parents, schools, and policymakers support and optimize these programs? Out today, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education explores the issues and concepts surrounding early childhood education from birth through eight years of age.

How have gender stereotypes changed in the last 30 years?

A new study finds that gender stereotypes are as strong today as they were 30 years ago, and that people are even more likely now to believe that men avoid “traditional” female roles. This research is out today in Psychology of Women Quarterly (PWQ), a journal from SAGE Publishing.

Sound on. Audio books are here!

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Whether you’ve already read the print or not, don’t miss out on the audio experience of these two bestselling books in our inaugural audio books programme.  


Adam Matthew launches vitally important research collection on early American history

Award-winning digital publisher Adam Matthew has today announced the launch of ‘Colonial America’ – the complete CO5 files from The National Archives, UK, 1606-1822.

A ‘game-changing’ development for historians and researchers of early America, the Atlantic world, the Caribbean and the nascent British Empire, Colonial America enables online access to the vast archive of c70,000 documents of manuscript material for the first time.

Doing your Education research project

Working on your Education research project but don’t know where to start?  Don't panic! We've put together this page, full of top tips and advice from some of our educational research methods books to help you complete a successful research project from the comfort of your home.


Discover a carefully curated collection of new and bestselling textbooks, free book chapters, and practical resources tailored for students and faculty across the education landscape. Whether you're starting your teacher training, guiding trainee teachers, or delving into areas like Early Years education, research methods, or special needs, you'll find essential tools to expand your knowledge and enrich your teaching and learning experience.
